Thursday, May 2, 2013

Thursday. Be happy.

Good Morning
It's always a good day at The Pond!


  1. Good Morning Pond Family,
    I haven't been up early for a month. Now I know why. There's not much to do this early. It's just barely light outside.

    Eva, read your post from last night. Your sister is so lucky to have such a caring, loving family. Thanks for sharing about her. That's what The Pond is all add love and support to each other.


    Fascinating story.

    Woodland Park Zoo, a couple miles north of Seattle, had a surprise birth.. a porcupette. What is a porcupette, you ask? It is a baby porcupine. Porcupettes are born with a full coat and eyes open. The quills begin to harden within hours of birth.

    "Molly and the newborn live in a den behind the Tundra Center, though Molly sometimes leaves to stretch her legs in their exhibit. In the wild, a mother porcupine would leave the newborn to nest in a safe area on the ground and she would retreat to the trees for food and shelter. Living at the zoo, Molly has the choice to stay with the baby or take advantage of her unlimited access to their Northern Trail exhibit.

    In the warmth of their den box, the pair nuzzles close to one another until the porcupette breaks free from her embrace and explores their shared space. Time and time again, mom will swoop her paws beneath his belly and pull him back to her chest for what looks a lot like a porcupine hug."


  3. Good morning Wog, Froggy, and fellow ponders!

    The flowers today are beautiful! Thank you so much! :)

    I had some free time before my eye appt. today and already posted some comments on Wednesday's page.

    Eva, I am so sorry your sister has had such a hard time! Thank goodness she is away from that horrible man! The story of her meeting with her grandson brought tears to my eyes. That must have meant so much to her!

    Gloria, I liked your comment about your marriage of 43 years. Your marriage is a lot like mine. We've been married almost 41 years. We've had our ups and downs too, but my husband is a kind, honorable man. He has never hit me either. We wouldn't be together today if he had! I look around at my friend's husbands, and am thankful I have Jeff. He is my rock. :) It is sad that so people I know are either divorced, or wish they were. :(

    Froggy, is it still warm over there? :) The orchard fans were on again this morning. It's been cold for this time of year. At least it is a sunny day!

    Wog, that was a cute story about the porcupette! Since I grew up in Seattle, I have many happy memories of the Seattle zoo. :)

    Phooey, good luck at your doctor's appointment today!

    Have a great day everyone! Love and prayers to all of you.

    1. Hi Paget, glad you enjoyed today's flowers. I saw a picture of this cute little animal, just born at Woodland Park Zoo. I followed the story. It was a surprise porcupette. The zoo was not expecting any babies. Loved the name porcupette and thought everyone would enjoy the story. It's not an animal that we see in the wild.

  4. It's gorgeous in So Cal today. They say the temp will be 97. I can't believe it.

    I guess one never knows what goes on in a marriage, but there are indications and hindsight is always 20/20. This is my sister's second marriage. Her first husband (my niece's father) is an alcoholic. After they divorced, he got sober, remarried and remains sober. He & my sister created my incredible niece and for that, the family is grateful.

    My niece, though, has had her own problems. She got married her last year of college, at age 21. It lasted 2 years. Her second husband (with whom she created the amazing little boy) is the man she is currently divorcing after 5 years of marriage.

    I don't know the answers, but my parent's were married for 47 years when my Mom died. My in-laws have been married an incredible 65 years. Marriage is never easy, but it's worth it when you find the right person.

    'Wog, I want a porcupette. Guess the cats wouldn't want to add one to our family, though.

    1. Hi Eva, after reading your family stories, you must be so proud of your Joe. He seems like a wonderful guy. I loved the story of your sister and the grandbaby too. What a sweet memory.

      Try to stay cool. Are you near the beach? When we lived in San Diego, we always lived within a mile of the ocean. I just don't like the heat. So far, in Seattle, it is still cool at night and early morning. Last year we didn't even use fans to keep cool.

  5. My post disappeared, so I'll just say hi and may God bless...

    1. God bless you right back, deer Froggy. Are you OK? Love you!

  6. Love those tulips and the porcupette story!

    Paget, was told that I was named after Deborah Kerr. My legal name is Deborah. My son is doing well, happy, in love (again). He's only 23. We'll see.

    Eva, you and your family are in our prayers. Just hearing your voice will lift your sister up, even if you talk about nothing important. Keep shedding sisterly love and light by talking with her.

    Eva (again!) I'm reading about Santa Ana winds and a fire in Riverside. I know you are not in harm's way, but still gives you hot weather. We had a high of 85 all week, but the high today was about 40. Weather is interesting here in redneck OKC!

    Love you all.

    1. Paget, I never heard anything bad about Deborah Kerr. She was a lovely lady on-screen.

  7. Hi gals, I love reading about your lives and family/friends and the comments you make one to another. Had my EKG, talked with my Doc and was told that using blood as a test they can not find any cancerous cells. My cancer drug is working however, I must take it for the rest of my life and simply learn to live with swollen eyes,ankles and tiredness. In between a few showers today was able to work in our little flower garden which was fun. Love you all and thank you for your prayers.

    1. Phooey, that's just great! I know you hate the side effects, but no cancer cells? What a trade off! Life is good.

    2. Phoo, you are cancer free right now. You might have to take drugs to deal with stuff for the rest of your life, but you have the rest of your life ahead of you! YAY!

      Love and prayers continue for you and all our Pond family.

    3. Phooey, you've had a lot of good news lately. We are so happy for you. Tell us more about your flower garden. They must grow well in the warm Florida days.

  8. It's so hot now. It's hard to believe that they say by this weekend, the temps will be down to the high 60's. Surfie, the Santa Ana's are starting to pick up a bit, but not bad here. Yes, the fires have already started in a few places.

    I had my usual skype with my niece & great nephew this afternoon and my father & sister were there! My sister sounds like herself and is herself, by Lord, she looks awful. Tactless person that I am, I blurted out "You look just like Mammy Yokum in those Lil Abner cartoons! I've got to get you a corn cob pipe." Not one of my better moments, but she laughed. I think I agree with my Dad. Getting her to a dentist is the number 1 priority. she's gotta get dentures. Aside from looks, it's a health issue. There must be a dentist in town that'll take Medicaid. If there isn't, I'm going to ask my father to bite the bullet and pay for it. It's a good investment.

    1. Eva,
      I love it around San Diego, but I don't miss the Santa Ana's or the fires. I've seen the smoke so bad that you couldn't see the sun.

      Your sister laughed at your description, so I'd say that was a good sign. Check on the computer for a dentist. Froggy and I are always looking at doctors and dentists that take Medicare or Medicaid.
