Thursday, July 4, 2013

Thursday. Celebrate our Beautiful America!

~Here we sit watching
4th of July fireworks over The Pond~


  1. Happy Independence Day. My flag is flying and I'm wearing my flag T-shirt. Going shopping with my sister this morning. I found a wonderful site, 50 states in 50 photographs. Don't know how to imbed the link, but here goes:

    Beautiful pictures. Have a great day!

  2. I love your enthusiasm, Surfie. After Roberts' decision, I can't quite manage it, but I'm trying. It's cooler here--at least we can sleep nights. Paget probably can't do that inland w/o air conditioning. But we're real comfortable at night, so far. The humidity has been a beast but.... it's summer.

    Happy 4th to those of you that can celebrate it--yay!

  3. Good Morning Surfie and Pond Family,
    Happy Happy 4th of July...The best celebration of our beautiful America, and the men and women who, even today, fight for our freedoms.

    Notice today's Pond picture: silhouettes of five Ponders ...Phooey, Gloria, Surfie, Paget, Eva...all of us watching the fireworks from our Pond pier. Froggy and I went back to car to get picnic basket full of munchies.

    Surfie, thank you so much for the link to the photos of each 50 states. The link works perfectly. Photos are beautiful.

    I have been to a few of these places, and Froggy has too. Yesterday Froggy and I reminisced about some of the wonderful trips we have taken...the Tetons, Maroon Bells, Yellowstone and Yosemite, Louisiana bayou, Chincoteague /Assateague wild ponies in Maryland, Eureka Springs in the Arkansas Ozarks.

  4. WOG! Didn't notice that it was Ponders sitting on that dock. I'm the skinny one. Seriously, I eat like a horse and don't gain weight. But I do exercise 20 minutes, every other day while watching TV. Mainly, it's genetics. I come from a long line of skinny people with very fast metabolisms. Except for my big, fat Italian grandmother. Didn't inherit her genes!

    1. Surfie, Yes, there are five people sitting on that little pier. It's our Pond Family. We can't see fireworks from our new building, but if they went high enough, we could see them over Seattle's tall buildings in our old apartment.

      Sis and I didn't get the "skinny" gene, unfortunately. I'm really the snack-food person in the family...and it shows. We both just weighed, and decided not to talk about it today, especially until after eating hot dogs and hamburgers, etc today. Losing weight is something we can talk about tomorrow, or the day after, or maybe next week! LOL

    2. Hi all! I've just been off hunting the "skinny" gene. Still haven't found it. Sneaky little critter :)

  5. Happy 4th of July to all my deer Pond friends.

    I think of all the places I have been and would like to have a chance to see more of this vast and diverse country. We are so blessed to be planted in a free country.

    The year that Val turned 5 we went from So Cal to Maine to visit Scotts grandparents. That was the first time I had been farther east than Nevada or Arizona.

    1. I've always wanted to see Maine--what's it like?

    2. Froggy, at the time I had only lived in So Cal so it was very different from what I knew. Gram and Gramp lived on the state line of Main and New Hampshire. Old buildings, rural, old graveyards, people with funny accents. Should have done more sightseeing. After Scott was discharged fron the service he went to stay with the Grandparents. He was scraping ice off his windsheild on Labor Day and decided to go back west.

  6. Well, this household dreads the 4th because of the fireworks. Our dogs are terrified of the sounds. Have been searching the internet for reliable info regarding dosage of Xanax for the dogs. Hoping it works.
    No Surfie, I'm the skinny one at 6' and 165lbs.
    Gloria, we are blessed but, I just don't feel 'free' anymore.
    Froggy, Roberts doesn't qualify for the "Our lives, our fortunes, our sacred honor" club. He also broke his oath.
    Hi 'Wog, we are having brats today and not going to talk about cholesterol.

    1. Phoo, I know what you mean about not feeling free anymore.

      As for Roberts , what a huge dissapointment.

      Save a brat for me. I love them, Scott hates them.

    2. I know what you mean, Phoo. Our freedoms are slipping away. When Joe put the flag out this morning, we took a walk to see who else had flags out. There were more than I thought and that made me feel better. I'll take what I can get.

  7. Happy 4th of July, deer pond friends!

    Wog, I just love that picture! It sure does look like all of us here at the pond. (Two of us were at the left side of the picture, just out of view)

    Today we're taking it easy after last weekend. We just plan to stay home, and chill. Someday after we retire, we want to take a road trip and drive across country. Surfie, I plan to look at those pictures soon. We've only been to 6 states so far; Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Texas and Hawaii. Gloria, you are lucky to have seen so much of this country! There are so many historical sites back east that I want to see. Someday. 

    Froggy, I understand your feelings about Roberts. He is a dishonorable man. I wonder how he lives with himself. The judges on the Supreme Court have so much power, and yet they are mere mortals like the rest of us. They need to have term limits.

    Phoo, our little dog has an awful time with fireworks too. Last year my in-laws were watching Kaiser while we were out of town. Their idiot neighbor lit a huge, illegal firecracker that went off a few feet from our pup. He panicked, and tried to jump through their sliding glass door. He ended up damaging one of his paws, and had to have surgery after we returned. I'm a firm believer in leaving fireworks displays to the professionals in a designated area. Years ago, my hubby had an unfortunate experience with fireworks that we still tease him about. We were at my parent's house, which was out in the country. It was very dry that year. Hubby lit an aerial type firework that didn't go straight up as planned. Instead, it went up about a foot, then sideways across the street into an area of dried grass and tumbleweeds. Whoosh! We suddenly had a brush fire. He was able to pull my parent's hose across the street and put it out, just before the fire department arrived. They checked out the area, but the fire was out. It was embarrassing for Jeff, but we were so thankful that no one was hurt, and nothing burned down.

    Stephanie called me a while ago and said they'd just been to their annual July 4th parade. They live in Anacortes, WA, and the population is around 12,000. Anyone who wants to join the parade is welcome. Baby Kaden was fascinated by all the people. They even had a float honoring one of the senior citizen nursing homes. There were quite a few residents following behind the float in their wheel chairs. One lady was spinning hers around, doing wheelies. :)

    Eva, how are your cats? Haven't heard about their antics in a while. Our cat Chance had his nose out of joint when baby Kaden was here. He hid under our bed or downstairs the whole time. I was afraid he was sick. But, as soon as they left, Chance came out and reclaimed the house. :)

    The flag is flying here too. I'm thankful I live in the greatest country on God's green earth. I believe we can peacefully take back our country. I don't know how, but I plan to learn. I won't give up on America.

    God bless you deer pond friends! Have a great day!

    1. Hi Paget,
      Sounds like you had a good visit with the family. Baby Kaden must be getting big.

      I hope we can get the sanity back to our country too. I don't understand why people want to change something that is working so good. Maybe the answer is "just because they can." They can't be ignored and hope they will go away.

      Such interesting stories you shared with us today!

  8. Happy 4th everyone! I love the picture 'Wog. What a great idea. We're being lazy today. The cats, too. They haven't moved. When the fireworks start, I'll keep an eye on them. Joe says it doesn't help that I jump when they go off, too. I need some Xanax!

    1. Hi Eva,
      Hope your "babies" survive the fireworks and firecrackers. They always scared our kittys too. We are in a new place so I don't know if we'll hear anything.
