Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Wednesday AND Thursday AND Friday. Zipping through the week!


  1. Seems like I'm in a rush everyday. My snacks and lunch is packed. TV schedule for Froggy. Froggy's list of stuff to bring. Check. I'm ready to go.

    Just waiting for phone interview at 11:15. Nervous. Pacing. Eating.

    Hi Paget, I read your post on yesterday's pic. Thank you for thinking of Froggy. I'll let her know. I didn't think I would have time to get a pic up for today.

  2. I'm excited to here how your phone interview went. Boy, things are different nowadays. When I first started working, there were no such things as phone interviews or skype interviews. It had to be face-to-face in person. I'm glad you're getting all this interest. The odds are in your favor!

    Hope Froggy has a little easier time of it today. I know she'll be glad she went through all of this once her leg has healed and she can walk without pain or limp. It's the getting there that is such a hassle.

    1. Hi Eva, I get home around 8pm. Then I do Froggy's laundry to take back the next day.

      The interview went well, but you never know how the other person is reading you. I don't want to do Skype. That's too weird! Anyway, I have my AARP temp job Thursday at 9am. It's at a place downtown. Just figured out the buses times. Did you like today's picture. I may leave it for a couple days.

  3. I think you should leave it up. It's adorable and you're too busy to change it. You're at the AARP interview right as I type. I'm sending positive vibrations in your direction and hoping this is something you'd like to do for awhile. I hope it's also something you can do and still visit Froggy.

    I just want to make sure you're getting enough sleep and eating when you should!!

  4. Surfie, how are Karen and Brad?

  5. Hi Eva and Phooey... and Pond Family,
    Hope all is well with all of you. I will leave picture up for Friday too.
    Maybe put a new pic up for the weekend. Froggy had her blog set to limit the days a picture could be used, but I think she changed it so I could keep posting comments.

    The AARP Foundation interview wasn't a good match. Though it was an interesting place to see. It was a day-only women's shelter (even if they have kids). They wanted me to answer phone calls like a crisis line. That's not something I would be good at doing. On to the next job....

    I'll check Craigslist as soon as I leave the Pond.

    My Sister is trying so hard to get better, even though it's painful to do so. They are giving her a little more meds to help the pain before she goes to physical therapy. And Friday afternoon they are having a meeting with Froggy and the family (that be me!) to see about the progress, and what needs to happen to get her home.

    She watches a lot of TV, and has a nice roommate to talk with. Always sends her love to her Pond Family.

  6. Holycow! a crisis line? No thanks... not my forte. Something will come your way Wog. Send Froggy are love.

  7. I'm with you & Phooey, 'Wog. No crisis line for me. Power to those who can handle it, though.

    Love to you and Froggy, and of course, to all deer Ponders :)

  8. Good Morning,
    A crisis line is scary. Froggy would be great at it. I would be more of a wreck than the person calling with the crisis.

    Getting an early start on the day. It's Friday. I checked the job listings, and not much going yet. Will check them when I get home. Need to make a plan for next week's job search.

    In the meantime, going to make a bag lunch (with snacks) for bus trip to see Froggy. We will have a meeting this afternoon to discuss her progress.

    Enjoy your Friday!

  9. Good greif! I have been gone for a while and a lot of things have happened, don't even know if I can catch up with all that has happened at the Pond. Deer Wog, give my best wishes to Froggy. You are amazing to be able to job hunt while taking care of your sis and meeting her needs.

    Today is one of those days that is letting us know that summer is on its way out. Val and the grands are back home. We split the kids up and I drove with 4 and she drove with 4. That means I drove to St John one day and back home the next. My head is still rummy. Scott is glad to have me back home.

  10. Imagine me on the other end of a crisis hot line:

    Get off my phone! You big dummy!
    Call back later, I'm going on my smoke break.
    Don't you know it's siesta time?
    Quit yelling at me!
    Call back when you're not crying.
    You again!....(click)
    First of all, I need your full name,SSN#,bank
    account number, and date of birth.
    Hmmmm, Hey babe.... what are you wearing now?
    No, I will not give you my supervisors name or number!

    1. LOL! Phooey, you are a gem.

    2. I needed that laugh, Phoo!! That was great.

  11. Hi All...
    Gloria, I know what you mean about catching up. I am writing from rehab care center. Sometimes their computer is screwy, but today I got signed on. Froggy had physical therapy and is not happy. Got her back to bed after meeting with doctor, therapist and a couple other people. Things are coming along, Though Froggy gets discouraged. She is doing great. She'll get to rest now until Monday. That broke leg is hurting!

    Phooey, I love your list for crisis calls. Made me laugh. With your list...maybe I could answer crisis calls!

    1. Froggy gets the weekend off? That's great! What a relief.

    2. Eva,
      You betcha, Froggy is relieved that she doesn't have to do exercises for a couple days. She gets tired of laying in bed now, and does get up to sit in wheelchair.

  12. Hi all. I've been reading but have felt too crummy for a week to post much of anything. Stomach virus then allergies so off the charts it's all I can do to make it through the day at work.

    Please tell Froggy that I think of her and pray for her every day. Wog, I think of you and pray for you every day, too. Awesome Sisters in Seattle!

    Wog, have you thought about going through a temp agency? When I first moved to SoCal, that's what I did. After a lot of short-term assignments, I wound up at a company that I really liked. And they liked me. They hired me on a permanent, part-time basis.

    Phooey, thanks for asking about Karen and Brad. Karen is doing great. She's driving, doesn't need a walker. She goes in every 6 months for a brain scan and cancer screening for a while. I believe she's out of the woods. Brad has undergone the eye shots for the problems caused by diabetes. He's OK, but this might keep occurring and he might need to have these treatments again. Please continue to pray for them.

    Big changes at my work that I'm too exhausted to tell you about. Our company is growing like gang-busters. All good, especially for yours truly ... but a TON of work getting the changes done.

    I'm worn out, eating leftovers, going to sleep early, going to work early tomorrow. Love you, Deer Ponders.

    1. Surfie, I worry about you! I'm afraid you are pushing yourself too hard.
      You need your own time to rest, reflect, socialize, and of course chores. We love you, Surfie.

    2. Surfie, I worry about you! I'm afraid you are pushing yourself too hard.
      You need your own time to rest, reflect, socialize, and of course chores. We love you, Surfie.

    3. Ditto what Phooey said (twice!) I don't remember you getting sick this often when you lived in SoCal. Take it easy!!

      I worked temp when I first came to L.A., too. It was perfect for me. If I didn't feel like taking a job, I didn't have to. Several places asked if I'd work for them permanently, but I refused until I found one that I really liked. When I stopped working at that job after 5 years, I worked temp again until another one suited me. Worked there for 6 years until I got married.

    4. Eva, honest, I did not post twice! This has never happened to me before.

  13. Surfie, you need to slow down, and I need to speed up.

    Surfie and Eva, thanks for the reminder on temp agencies. Monday I should go downtown and apply at Accountemps and a couple others. Maybe that's what I should have been doing the last few months.

    But tonight I'm not going to think about anything. Just watch TV. Maybe play a couple games on computer. I really like solitaire and Mahjong.

    Phooey, it was wonderful of you to call Froggy. It really lifts her spirits!

    I'll try to put up a new picture for the weekend. Love you all. Goodnight...
