Sunday, September 18, 2011

The fathers of racism.

Apologies Demanded from Racist Democrats
By Jim O'Neill
(Snip)... Without the New Media, it is unlikely “we the people” would know anything about the recent filing of a brief in Seattle last week by a trans-national group of blacks. As relatively few people are still aware of it, let me briefly describe this legal action. Link 
The plaintiffs, who refer to the defendant (the Democratic Party), as the “Father of Racism,” allege that the Democratic Party has refused to admit the role they played in promoting slavery, and Jim Crow laws, and other racist practices from 1792 to 2011. They simply want the Democratic Party to acknowledge their long history of racism—and apologize for it.
It was, after all, liberal Democratic icon Woodrow Wilson who revitalized and promoted the Ku Klux Klan. It was the Democrats who vehemently opposed every legal action designed to give blacks their constitutional rights; including Plessy v Ferguson, and Brown v. the Board of Education. In fact, right up until their cynical “flip” in the early 1960s, the Democrats were unrepentantly racist—fighting Republicans tooth and nail to keep the black community down. Link               
Since the 1960s their racism has been much more subtle and devious. Nonetheless, their machinations have been devastating for the black community. Yet despite the destruction of their two parent families, the deplorable mis-education offered to their children, and an unemployment rate much higher than the nation’s norm, most blacks remain loyal to Obama and the Democratic Party. They have been thoroughly indoctrinated for generations, and are terrified to leave the Democrat’s Plantation. Link Link
The Democrat’s Plantation comes complete with black overseers, who generally have a “reverend,” or some other honorific before their name. Leave the Plantation, and they will sic the dogs on you, to track you down and bring you back. The overseers are aided and abetted by the “crab mentality” phenomena—“If I can’t have it neither can you;” as graphically demonstrated by crabs, who pull back down any of their brethren who try to escape from a bucket full of live crabs. Link Link                 
Blacks who try to escape the Plantation are told (in no uncertain terms) to stay on the Plantation, and the government—“Massa”—will take care of them. They are told to stay on the Plantation, or else…. The entitlement mentality is nothing but a gussied up slave mentality. “Massa takes good care of us. We be fools to leave the Plantation and fend for ourselves.” Link                   
As an aside: How has the leftwing palmed their KKK onto the rightwing? The same way they palmed their Socialist Workers Party, the NAZIs, onto the rightwing—by using lies, obfuscation, misdirection, and incessant media propaganda. Well they can take both their KKK, and their NAZIs, and shove them where the sun does not shine. They belong to the Left—always have, and always will. Take them liberals—own them—they are YOURS! Link


This is a section from a much longer article with good info in it; check out Canada Free Press, if you haven't!

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