Saturday, September 24, 2011

To Precious Jen,

You have fought a manful battle and prevailed. Dear Gerry is with G*d, your kids are with you--and you are with us.

In the coming years, I hope you are proud of your fortitude and strength; I know we are proud of you. None of the decisions were easy. Thank you for providing a true standard of loyalty and love. The hardest of times often contain great beauty.

I will continue to pray for you and your family as you start your lives anew and accept G*d's choice. Everything is how it should be, as He intended. You won't be alone in this, with G*d's grace,  as we intend.

Restore yourself with His word and live with peace in your heart! 



  1. You have such a beautiful heart. I love you and am proud to be your friend.

  2. Thank you, I rather thought you were mad at me, Surfie :-( and that made me sad...

    I did post prayers to Magdalene; has anyone heard anything?

    Thank you, Evajeanne--you always make my day special!

  3. Oh Froggy, how beautiful. You have a kind and loving heart.

  4. Magdalene posted on the Connection today, an update about what the docs are doing. Testing as far as I can tell. She seems in good spirits and is, of course, grieving with everyone else over Gerry.
    Lovely picture, Froggy.
    Mrs. Cor

  5. Thanks, gals! (Mrs. Cow, Phooey's gonna nail you about spelling your name wrong--just ask Hooly... yipe!)

    We love you, too, Phoo!
