Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Not for long if we have anything to do with it!


Obama—The Most Happy Fella’

By Joan Swirsky

(Snip)... In order to “transform” our country into the totalitarian statist nightmare leftists like Obama envision, in which Big Government controls every facet of the lives of its citizens from cradle to grave, it takes the nationalization of major industries and the destruction of others, for instance the once-flourishing agricultural industry of America’s heartland.

Indeed, horrible weather has ravaged those industries, as states from north to south have been relentlessly assaulted by hurricanes, tornadoes, massive floods and also wild fires, effectively destroying all of the crops, along with the businesses—many of them decades-old family enterprises.

Could it be that our weather is also being manipulated? About a year or two ago, I first learned of the chemtrails being sprayed from unmarked cargo planes not only in the United States but throughout the world. People who have analyzed the fallout have reported a number of highly toxic chemicals—an extremely poisonous brew including barium, nano-aluminum-coated fiberglass, radioactive thorium, cadmium, chromium, nickel, desiccated blood, mold spores, yellow fungal mycotoxins, ethylene dibromide, and polymer fibers—and, in certain areas of spraying, a noticeably elevated incidence of upper-respiratory ailments and other sicknesses, as well as thousands of dead birds and fish.

A compelling film, What in the World Are They Spraying?, describes this bizarre phenomenon, made all the more so by the striking absence of investigative reporting and by the utter failure of our meteorologists to acknowledge the existence of chemtrails or their affect on the strange weather patterns we’ve been experiencing. Some have speculated that this is a United Nations enterprise designed to combat [the colossal hoax of] global warming by blocking the sun with the dispersed chemicals.

Others, however, have a more scientific explanation, saying that the spraying is a precursor that provides the medium necessary for the activities of the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, or HAARP, to take place. According to its home page, HAARP, which is a huge complex in Alaska, is comprised of antennae using radio frequencies, which “has been in continuous use since the 1950s to investigate fundamental physical principles which govern the earth’s ionosphere…” The facility also encompasses a five-country consortium, including Norway, Peru, Russia, Ukraine and Tadzhikistan.

The goal, HAARP’s website states, is to create weather conditions “in localized regions” that “nature produces randomly and regularly on a much larger scale.” Further, the site reveals that the program is run by the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy, and the U.S. Department of Defense under the US Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI).

Mmmmmm. A program to manipulate the weather that is run by the DoD and the United States military... what could go wrong?


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