Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Here's your Daily Cat!

Itteh Bitteh Bird Watching Committeh!


  1. I remember when my cats used to plaster themselves to the windows, looking up at the trees. Now they're old (like their Mommy) and prefer to stay in bed, under the comforter!

  2. Boris tried that, but he was so terribly near or farsighted that he couldn't focus on little critters. He always found his food bowl, though!

    I always think of you when I put up The Daily Cat! And that makes me think of Puffin!

  3. Awww. Poor Boris. The food dish is more important, though. By-the-way, it's almost 2:30 now and Puffin is STILL in the comforter. He has gotten so lazy in his old age!

  4. Don't show me any kittens. If I see five cuties, I'm taking five cuties home!

  5. Grab 'em around their soft little tummies, Sis!
