Saturday, September 17, 2011

Maybe he can use that glue on his mouth, too.


  1. Love it! Froggy, you have a great sense of humor!

  2. Hope he's using Gorilla Glue. It will glue anthing.. even the mouth.

  3. Polliwog, that was hilarious. I love you both.

  4. Polliwog I am reporting you! ;p Gorilla glue is racist !
    (But extremely funny) LOL

  5. Can't remember whether it was on Thursday or Friday's show, but Rush said he was reporting himself in order to save others the trouble. He was hysterically funny. He had a whole list of things he had said on previous shows and figured that by the time it all gets compiled, it'll be the size of a small book.

  6. Hiker Gal..I didn't mean to offend anyone. I used to sell Gorilla Glue at the store where I worked. It's supposed to be a really strong glue. That's why I mentioned it. Surely Obama's mouth needs a really strong glue!

    Eva.. Rush is such a funny man. I could believe that he'd report himself. Froggy's been reporting some funny stuff at AttackWatch too.

  7. Polliwog no offense taken,I was being sarcastic and perhaps wasn't clear. I don't see anything racist in your joke at all ,I thought it EXTREMELY funny.Gorilla glue is a great choice because it expands and could fill the gap that causes that silibiancy (sp) in his speech at the very least and the empty space in his head! Feel free to report me ,I have already self reported.LOL
