Thursday, September 15, 2011

More on Obama's retread snitch-line:

By Ulsterman

The Obama White House unveils an all-out Internet offensive to take out those who they deem to be "smearing" the president. America – Big Brother has officially arrived, and its name is Barack Hussein Obama…

Here's a snide take on it:

With the breakout of the Obama White House’s all-new Obama For America funded turn-in-your-neighbor website now up and running, the United States has officially entered 1984 territory.  According to the website’s own language, invites Obama supporters to do the following:

Join Attack Wire—and help stop the attacks on the President before they start.

When another unfounded attack surfaces, we’ll arm you with the truth so you can share the facts with your friends and family.

So in essence, what the Obama re-election team states is they would rather not have voters thinking for themselves, or considering alternative opinions on what the current president is or is not doing – but rather to simply turn in those opposed to Barack Obama, and await the Obama White House version of reality, for in Obama’s America, that is now the only reality that should be allowed to exist.  What would happen if Barack Obama himself was turned in for the myriad of lies and deceptions he has participated in since becoming President of the United States?

As for what is to become of those bloggers, reporters, and political opponents of Barack Obama’s who are turned into – that remains to be seen.  Or perhaps not…
Here is a link to the chilling website itself.  Go there at your own risk:

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