Thursday, September 15, 2011

Smooch! (Ribbet!)

     Phoo! PhooFrog, where are you? How are you?
I've been thinking about you, so give me a hop!



  1. Ahh, you're sweet. I think of you and Polly numerous times daily. Have really been busy the last few weeks with tests and Dr. appointments which should ease shortly. More side effects from chemo have entered my life...yuck! Feet and ankles look like balloons (edema) but, just started using compression socks and Lasix. Stomach pain (not bad) and tiredness (aggravating) also showed up which was expected. Still worried that confusion might enter the mix.
    So now, tell me how you are doing. SPROING! WHEEEE!!!

  2. Smoochies! I'm sorry about your feet and legs--I know how that is, am having trouble with mine, too. I can't even wear shoes and my legs feel huge--and now I have to find a new doctor because they dropped me off my medical plan. I applied for Medicaid, and think I've gotten into the program, but I liked my old HMO just fine. Heaven-only-knows where I'll be able to get a doctor now.

    Otherwise, Pollywog had a really nice birthday--she was really happy and that makes me happy. I just love her so!

    I'm praying for Jen and Gerry, and you and Page; let me know how the chemo goes. Don't let the lasix dehydrate you too badly. When I was on it, it messed up my electrolytes so much I kept falling. No matter the size of your legs, watch your leg strength and if you can hold yourself up as easily as before--I sure don't want anything to happen to my Phoo! Try Prilosec for your stomach, hon... spROing, goodnight!
