Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Obama's goon squad is gearing up:

Obama Campaign Launches Snitch Line Website

By Judi McLeod 
It’s official. The Obama campaign launched a new snitch line website today ostensibly to handle “misinformation” out there against President Obama.
“Got my spy email today from the Obama campaign,” CFP reader Rosemary from Norwalk, Ct. wrote Canada Free Press (CFP). “They have set up a website called  It is for people to report “lies” about Obama!  They even reference some of their own.”
“How low can they go?” Plenty low, Rosemary as AttackWatch will soon prove.
The Obama campaign is only making official what they started back in the summer of 2008 with “the Barack Obama Truth Squad”.
“KMOV-TV in Missouri is reporting that Senator Barack Obama’s presidential campaign has signed up law enforcement officials “to target anyone who lies or runs a misleading TV ad during the presidential campaign.” (Obama’s Legal Goon Squads, Matthew Vadum, CFP, Sept. 28, 2008).
“While the report never comes out and says anyone running an ad saying those things would be subject to prosecution, that certainly is the message implied. Today Obama’s reelection campaign manager, Jim Messina announced the formation of
“Forming the first line of defense against a barrage of misinformation won’t be easy,” Messina wrote in a fundraising email to campaign supporters.  “Our success will depend on a team of researchers and writers to stay on the lookout for false claims about the President and his record, bring you the facts, and hold our opposition accountable.”
Meanwhile, the big question is will Tea Party members be falsely accused and prosecuted or just outed by Obama's
I've signed up just to keep an eye on what they're doing.  So far, they're just trying to get their members to be snitches, and to report the slightest negative word, inference, or gesture that's against Obama and his policies. Don't underestimate their ability to be picayune. Don't name-call; fight them with facts.


  1. Exactly. Someone on that site yesterday commented: Is this translated from the original German?

  2. Kids used to be trained to "snitch" on their parents and friends. Is that where we are going? The real question is "how do we stop this insanity?"
