Thursday, October 13, 2011

Good Morning, friends!


  1. Good morning!

    Don't know if you've yeard yet, but Nugoddess' Pop has gone to Heaven. He is healthy again and with his wife. Please keep Nu and the family in your prayers.

  2. Thanks Surfie. Didn't know.
    Good morning, everyone.

  3. Oh... well... Bless Nu's heart--tell her we're thinking about her. I prayed her dad would have an easy passing; I hope he did. I'll pray for her in her grief.

    Good morning, PhooFrog! How are you and Ms. Page today?

  4. Both of us are tired. Will be a slow day. Hope you are feeling better today.

  5. The cycle of life continues. It's so hard.

    Phooey, take it easy. I'm glad to see you didn't boot the computer across the room in frustration.

    Morning, Froggy! Have a good day (whatever shape it takes). I'll be back later.
