Saturday, October 15, 2011

Happy Saturday, friends!


  1. Good morning All.. I am always happy on Saturday. Nice to get up and not go to work. But you know, you still wake up early anyway out of habit. Drats! I wanted to sleep in.

    Gloria, I wrote you a note under the cat pic about medical insurance.

  2. Good morning, all! Polliwog, I know what you mean about waking up early even when you don't have to. The last job I had, my alarm went off at 4:45 am each morning. After I stopped working, it took me a solid year to stop awaking early. Nowadays, I'm excited if I sleep until 7:30. When my husband gets up to go to work, he feeds the cats and cleans the litter, but they want me up, too.

  3. Hello friends!

    It's a beautiful morning! Well, actually kind of gray over here in eastern WA, but it's Saturday, and that brightens up my attitude! :)

    Today I thought I'd post on the current blog, and maybe my comments will make more sense! (That's what happens when I show up late to the party!)

    Did anyone watch the Glenn Beck, GBTV episode on Thursday? Of course I made the mistake of watching it last night before I went to bed, and ended up dreaming about our future world. Glenn may be a doomsayer, but I think he is a courageous, smart man, and I appreciate him warning us to be prepared for any kind of disaster.

    All this talk about insurance makes me think about the future too, as I will only be working 5 more years. (God willing!) Next weekend my BIL (insurance agent) is coming over from Seattle to discuss signing us up for long term care insurance. I really don't want to depend on my kids if I can't take care of myself! OTOH, I know it is expensive so might have to really ponder that one for a while, since hubby just recently returned to work.

    I'm also under Queen Christine's rule, and I think this is her last term. Is that correct? That gives me great hope. :)

    Have a great day everyone! :)

  4. Nice to see you, Paget! I've been debating whether or not to get GBTV--we're on a pretty tight budget here. And I can do so little about a disaster. I can barely walk... I've only been out of this apt. 3 times this year. But I think Glenn speaks the truth.

    Hey--I put up a pond, and a King Cat, and other things on my sidebar--and with new titles (didn't know I could change 'em!) Tell me how you like them (Paget thought the pond looked too ominous with 2-3 gators in it, so I took some back to the Everglades...!)

  5. Ick! I can't stand to watch those programs with guys hauling 'gators out. Then they actually eat the meat - double ick! Not that I have ever come close to one.


  6. Phooey, PhooBad! Why don't you like our pond?!

    $1.95 hrumpph!!!

    I'll have you know it rates very high on the pond market!

  7. Froggy,

    I was just teasing you about your ominous pond. :)

    However, the new pond is more inviting! Maybe the frogs could escape from just one gator.;)

    When Betty Jean shared the picture on TheConnection, of the gator lurking right beyond her backyard, it really gave me the creeps!

    I agree with Gloria's list, and I would add one more category - any big ugly bug - YUCK!!

  8. Huh? you asked this:

    Hi PhooPearl--what's that tag on your hat say? ;-)

    "Pearl always dressed in styleless "down home" dresses and wore a hat with a price tag hanging from it, displaying the price of $1.98."

    I love the pond. Sorry, I was off 3 cents.

  9. Oh, very funny Phoo--now we're up to $2.01! hrumph!

    Oh yes, I remember Minnie's price ceiling! I loved her--is she gone?

    Paget, I could never be mad at you--and my skin's not that thin with my frends. You were right--you CAN have too many gators--we MUST give those frogs a fighting chance! They have great hopability!
