Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Good Night, Dear Friends (I'll be up awhile yet.)


Adonai Elohechem Emet
("Your God is a true God")

Open my eyes, God,
Help me to perceive what I have ignored,
To uncover what I have forsaken,
To find what I have been searching for.
Remind me that I don't have to journey far.

To find something new
For miracles surround me.
Blessings and holiness abound
And You are near.

Nashuva Prayerbook


  1. Thank you dear friends I need to see that. I'm at Mom's tonight. doing the waiting thing I have to go back to NC for Friday but will return on Monday so keep me in your prayers knowing you are there is such a huge help. If I don't post it is because I'm not very good with words now.

  2. Don't worry about saying a word, honey--we all have your back and we all had a big prayer session for you and Nu and Roxe too. I put this one up for you, though... thinking about you this afternoon. Take care!

  3. Froggy, we have have the same God! I ask your blessings to be able to post some random thoughts. Why random? because it is difficult (unlike you) for me to put two sentences together in a cogent manner.
    About two years ago, (forgot why) I had a C-T scan of my chest. A pulmonary doctor informed Page and I that I had pulmonary fibrosis and said you have these option(s).... lung transplant. Shortly thereafter, had a higher resolution C-T scan and (wait)

  4. Hikergal, God bless you! Yes! we pray here! and sometimes with tears! Be at peace dear lady.

  5. I'm waiting Phoo...what's the rest of your story?

    Maybe you had a fungal infection? You run into asbestos in the Navy? You a smoker? Have chronic bronchitis? Tuberculosis? Those are the things I know about that cause cloudy x-rays and trouble breathing...

  6. I feel better; it's been a real struggle to focus on the positive today. I've about used up all my energy. I was feeling so bad this a.m. I didn't really want to go on.

    You folks sure have made me feel better. I also read most of a Kol Nidre service that was lovely. I loved it--I've just GOT to find a way to take those classes at the Temple!

  7. Hi Froggy and all... sorry about being so late today, had errands to run. Am working on a project and wasn't looking forward to a certain part of it... but the tool guy at Home Depot took me and my stuff into the back room and did the drilling and tapping needed; then screwed in the 1/4" barb I needed. Sure made me so happy! and saved me TONS of energy not having to do it myself. Now tomorrow Lord willing, all I need do is put all the parts together. Praise the Lord!!

    Glad you made it thru the day Froggy... praying for hiker, Phooey, Pollywog, and you Froggy... so glad I came back here... I really felt all your prayers today! It's so nice when you can feel others uplifting you to the Throne :)

    I too have my most difficult times in the mornings... but around 3-4pm then it seems like things are looking up and I can deal with stuff better.

    So since I know that, Froggy, about your mornings that's when I'm gonna be really praying hard for you.

    You have a good night... haven't heard back yet from the Doc... may have to wait till class on Sabbath to talk to him in person. I'd rather talk to him in person than on the phone... can you wait that long?? Just want you to know I haven't forgotten.

    loveya bunches :) heres a hug...

  8. OOPS!!!!


  9. Can't explain all this but, while typing the computer simply stopped! Was able to backspace and type (wait). After a reboot, saw Hikergal's comment and wanted to say something. Then DIL wanted to talk with me.... anyway, sorry.

  10. Anyway, had a higher resolution C-T scan and another pulmonary doctor said the same thing...lung transplant. Since I would no longer be able to maintain our home, we needed to move near family into a safe carefree rental apartment. We stayed with our daughter for 5 months while our house was on the market and moving my VA medical care to the Tampa area. That is when they discovered cancer and many other issues. I was a dead man! Another C-T scan was performed here in Tampa and a pulmonary breathing test. Results: I'm within limits of a 65 yr. old / 50+ yr. smoker AND no sign of fibrosis. Whew!... need a break...

  11. Phooey, this has been the most amazing story! Are you saying that you might have moved, sold your house and everything when you didn't need to?

  12. Hikergal, my heart and my prayers are with you now and have been from the moment you set out to see your mother. Don't worry about the words. Your eloquence comes through whatever you say. We just want to hear from you and want to know how you're holding up.

  13. Froggy, you know you write beautifully... even when you get angry at our Dear Leader. Lord, but that man scares me! I loved your Zot!

  14. just wrote a continuation of my story and was kicked off-line before posting. Grrrrrrrrrr!

  15. Eva, we moved here because of the fibrosis that disappeared. However, the cancer would have done the same thing that we didn't know about at that time.

  16. Why, thank you, Eva--I wish I could write better! Mike Adams, Bill Whittle, Mark Steyn, Christopher Hitchens, James Delingpool and P.J. O'Rourke are my favorites!

    Praying for you folks--sometimes, to feel better, you just have to stay busy enough so the Evil One doesn't catch up with you!

  17. Oh yeah, Christopher Hitchens writes so well he makes my teeth ache! Even when I disagreed with everything he was saying, I couldn't help but read him for the sheer pleasure of the writing. He's one of the very few people I've ever felt that way about.

  18. I agree--I don't agree with him, but I sure do follow his articles!

  19. Well...better never than late, so here I am. Very disorganized these days, not to mention unproductive. Hope to do better tomorrow. At least I expect a tomorrow.

    Hey Froggy - how do I post a picture here? I tried the other day and it didn't work. Dusty wanted to send a picture of his most un-favorite, ugly sister. No luck.

    Getting ready for bed - tiring day. Will try to do better tomorrow.....

    Please take care & know you're on my prayer list.
