Saturday, January 7, 2012

Good Morning, Pond Friends and Frogs!


  1. Good mornin' everyone.

    I was thinking about my name. At the pond I started posting Hollyhock/Gloria. Some know me as Hollyhock. Now it is just Gloria to my friends here. At one point a friend addressed me as Hooly (a typo for Holly) and it stuck. So I answer to that too. What about everyone else. I am in the Puget Sound area up in Snohomish/Monroe.
    Does anybody else use more than one name?

  2. I don't. I signed on with Lucianne a long time ago as Evajeanne (my first and middle name) and it seemed easier to keep it. Here, I'm just Eva.

    At the moment, I'll settle for being called anything except the lady with the stuffed up nose, swollen glands, and red eyes. I'm such a horror to look at today! Both cats slept with us last night, under the covers, smooshed up against me. That should have instantly cured me!

  3. Eva, your middle name is the same as mine. Same spelling. I have not known women who used that spelling, French I think.
    Hope you are on the mend. I am so glad that I finally gave in about the cat. The snuggles are so worth it. Peanut is making a nuisance of herself every time I get out my knitting. Yarn is no fun if it is not attached to a human.

  4. PhooBad is the one who christened you 'Hooly' after MissChar accidentally typoed your name as 'Hoolyhock' LOL!

    I'm LoriDONALFrog. Sis is The Apostrophe Wog!

    You two are making us mighty jealous about all those nice warm cats!

  5. Good Afternoon, ladies. Many years ago had a different name on Lucianne. She kicked me off after a rant I posted against the Episcopal Church. I had just learned that my son was molested by our priest many years earlier.
    Froggy, you need a cat! And, their is a cat that needs you!

  6. Gloria, as far as I know the spelling of our middle name is French, but I'm pretty sure that wasn't in my parents' mind when they chose it. Actually, I don't know where my middle name came from (no-one in the family), but in the south they always call you by both names, so I heard Eva Jeanne so often it was like one word.

    I have a great picture of my Mom watching TV and knitting with her yarn in her knitting bag. She has her back to the bag, so she didn't see Boomer who was halfway inside when I took the picture!

    Phoo, Lucianne kicked you off without asking why you were ranting? Or you gave your reason in your rant and she did it anyway? Either way, very disappointing. In a situation like your's, leeway should be given... or is that too compassionate?

  7. I use the name CHOMP on my crime blog and a couple other places. But at the Pond I became Polliwog and then shortened to Apostrophe WOG which became 'WOG

  8. Eva, don't recalled exactly what I said but, do remember believing at the time that Lucianne was justified in her action. Their were other minor infractions of mine that warnings were sent to my incorrect e-mail address. I had failed to update my profile after changing ISP's so was unaware of the warnings... again, my fault.

  9. Phoo, I cannot imagine going through that kind of betrayal. A person in a position of trust doing harm to a child. How is your son doing today?

  10. I got onto this subject when I saw Freddy stop in the other day and wondered if I might know him by another name.

  11. Hello pond friends!

    I just got around to checking out the latest here. I've been shopping, then got sidetracked by the latest book I'm reading.

    I wondered about Freddy too...Is he someone's alter ego? ;) Anyway, welcome to him whatever the reason!

    Phooey; I'm very sorry to hear about your son. I surely understand your rant. That is such a horrible betrayal!

    Gloria, I like your name, and I also think the name "Hooly" is cute. :) My name here is Paget, because that's a nickname a dear friend gave me years ago since my name is Debbie, and there was once a movie star named Deborah Paget.

    Eva, I hope you're feeling better. Colds and the flu are such a drag!

    'Wog, how are things with you? During this interlude before you return to work, I hope you relax and get some well deserved R and R.

    Froggy, have you thought more about getting a cat? I read an article recently that said petting a cat is good for your health. I found this today: This includes all pets, but cats were mentioned the most. I hope you'll watch this. :)

    Love to you all,

