Tuesday, January 3, 2012

See you tomorrow!

Good Night, friends!


  1. What a stunning picture. Such beauty puts my mind at peace. See everyone tomorrow.

  2. Hi everyone! We're finally back home. I rushed in the door and and squeezed Bambu & Puffin until they squeaked. I missed them soooo much! It was strange coming home and not seeing Boomer's sweet face greeting us the way he has for the past 20 years.

    I'm so tired now, I'm seeing double. I'm going to bed. I'll get myself turned around and back on west coast time in a few days. In the meantime, I'll be checking in more often to be sure.

    I missed everyone so much. It was tough not being able to check in and say hi to everyone. Did I miss anything important?

    See ya'll tomorrow.

  3. Sorry I missed you, but I'll check in tomorrow when I get home. Froggy and everyone will be so glad that you are home safe.

    We know how hard it is to miss your little guy! I didn't realize that you had Boomer for so many years. We had our little Bad Boris for many years too. I have a picture of Boris on my cell phone and I smooch him sometimes.

  4. Hi everyone. Welcome back Eva.
    I am still working on reading that article from yesterday.
    Dentist appt today.

  5. 'Wog, the picture says....Enya music time to me.
