Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Good Morning! Today, it's 'Frogs and 'Wogs...

We're all swimming in the Pond!


  1. Howdy! We're still drying out. I was able to take a shower today, thank God. Our 'Wog did an awfully good job cleaning up the bathroom for what she had to work with (we're down to a hand towel as a bathmat and one towel to share yipe!) My doc finally called back and faxed over a little something for my back--'Woggy will get it tonight--and I have a phone appt. with him on Thursday. She's off to school--and I'll try to post something--you all say HEY! ;-)

  2. Good morning ponders!

    Hey there Froggy, I'm so glad you frogs have all dried out! Water damage is such a pain! We had a flood about 10 years ago, due to the former resident's error in hooking up the hose to the garbage disposal. Our son woke up when we were at church, and thought we were making latte's. No, the water upstairs (kitchen) was spraying onto the floor and running down the stairs! What a mess! Thank goodness for insurance!

    Take care Woggy! Cleaning up messes like that can really wear you out!

    Froggy, I hope your doctor listens to you on Thursday and gives you more iron! I don't understand why they are giving you such a hard time! I liked Gloria's suggestion about molasses. Have you tried that?

    Yesterday was my kitty Chance's big escape. He ran out while I was hollering at Kaiser to stop barking. (does that make sense?) Anyway, Chance jumped out on our deck and ran underneath, with me out there in my summer weight nightgown and robe, chasing him. Sure hope the neighbors weren't watching! After Chance roamed around under there for a while, looking for mice, I was able to sweet talk him out. Thank goodness he was so preoccupied with the great outdoors, that I was able to catch him. Too many bad things happen to outdoor cats in our area. Anyway, my Monday was still much easier than Froggy and Wog's!

    Sure hope everyone has a good day today!

    See you later pond friends! :)

    1. Molasses? Only if fermented (called rum). Now recall watching my dear wife (Page-30+years ago) chasing one of our chickens around the yard in her nightgown. Ahh, just wait till I tell you what happened to me at the VA today. Later, Wally World now............Gotta' go.

    2. PhooBad! Tell me what happened at VA when you can... Ain't gov medicine great?

      You're both funny with your cat/chicken stories. We left our cat in the house with HER mouse and I was the one that caught it as it zipped by. Yup, caught it under a cooking pan lid, slipped thin cardboard under it and had 'Woggy--picture THIS--walk down the street in the dark, in her jammies, carrying a cardboard square with a pan lid & mouse underneath! She said 'if the cops stop me, I'll just die!" She let it go about 6 houses down in the street intersection and ran home! HEE

      I'm glad you foiled Chance's Great Escape--what happens to your cats around there? I would've thought it was rural enough that they'ed do well...

    3. I LOVE that story, Froggy! I swear if a mouse got in here neither cat would do a thing. If Puffin is comfortable, nothing can move him. Sometimes, if they're basking in the sun in front of the sliding glass doors to the balcony and a bird comes to perch on the railing, they'll show interest. That's about it, though. If either ever escaped (G-d forbid), they'd never make it on their own. Some wordly outdoor cat would have to take them in and show them the ropes.

    4. Mouse story. My son who has a tender heart toward animals found a mouse in the garage struggling to get loose from a sticky trap. Did he dispose of the mouse and trap? Nooooo. He poured salad oil on it so the mouse could get loose and released it on the curb!!!! Grrrrr. It probably came back into our garage.

    5. I love all your mouse stories! I sure think Wog is a good sport to have taken that mouse outside. I wouldn't be that nice. How creepy! Gloria, your son has a good heart!

      Okay, we live in a rural area and there are also coyotes out this way. However, the biggest threats for cats are dogs and humans. Just this week one of my friends in Richland (10 miles from me) had one of her outdoor kitties poisoned to death by some crazy person in her neighborhood. This person actually put poison in her cat's food dish which was on her front porch! Now she has an camera outside to try to catch this poor excuse for a human being.

      Working in rescue, I've learned a lot. Mostly, there are people who hate the fact that cats don't stay in their own yards and think nothing of taking matters into their own hands. On average, an outdoor cat lives 4 years, while an indoor cat can live up to 20 years. My parent's cat, Solo, is a persian, and he doesn't jump. He is allowed in their backyard, but they keep an eye on him. My dad is so protective of Solo, that he has checked out the fence for any possible holes where Solo could venture out and get lost. Solo was a rescue cat on his own for a long time and loves it at my parent's house where he is loved and pampered. :)

  3. Hey everybody.

    Looks to be a nice day. Hopefully we will dry out enough to mow the lawn. I used to do the mowing and enjoyed it. Now it is Hubby's job - not a favorite.

    Froggy, I can tell from your words that you are feeling better.

    1. Well, I love it when you guys write in with your stories and best wishes; it MAKES me feel better. What kind of molasses should I try? I know it comes in different brands and strengths...

      'Woggy always used to mow ours. Glad she doesn't have to now at her age.

    2. Try black strap or dark. Black strap is more concentrated, 2tsp is a serving. I have learned to like the dark molasses on oatmeal or bisquits.

      I set up a blood test for tomorrow so I will soon see how my iron numbers are.

      On the Mercola you can get an idea of what your numbers should be.

  4. Dear Froggy, the Asheville,NC VA was great except for my primary care physician...he was an uncareing jerk that damn near killed me. Here at the Tampa,Fl VA, nothing but the highest praise from me. One could not ask for any better care. Okay, here it is.... a nurse typed in the wrong code for a procedure that Page and I were wondering about because we didn't know what it was for so we asked during a consultation today. It was for circumcision! I yelled...AGAIN! The laughter out of that office rolled down the hall! The procedure was cancelled!

    1. Oh Phooey that is hillarious. Great response.

  5. Phooey, you made me laugh out loud! So happy you have good medical care now.

    Frog and Wog, glad you've dried out. Froggy, I love it when you sound so good!

    Here's my mouse story. Waaay back, I had 2 cats and 2 cocker spaniels. The male cocker spaniel was the mouser. I had just bought a new older house and had a real mouse problem when the first winter there came. Woke up one morning to find Riley (my male cocker) sitting in the kitchen proudly wagging about the pile of mice he had killed during the night. I know the cats didn't catch & kill them because they were asleep all night in the bed with me!

    I rarely get sick. On Monday, 4 people in my office were out with a stomach flu. Today there were 5. Guess its my turn. I've been tired all day, and late this afternoon started having stomach cramps. Threw up just before I left work. I feel terrible, have a low-grade fever, and lots of nausea. Please pray that I don't get sicker. I don't want to miss work!

    Oh, well. Life. Smooches to everybody!

  6. I thought everybody most generally WAS circumcised--but what an odd thing for them to dream up for you at your age! My goodness! And what is THAT supposed to fix??? I'm glad you're watch-doggin' them and God-only-knows what you'd be missing. Next time, they may want to give you a hysterectomy.... why'd they they even order such a goofy thing?
