Thursday, May 3, 2012

Obama threatens SCOTUS--Gives away our sovereignty.

Dictator Obama Issues New Threat to Supreme Court over ObamaCare

By Sher Zieve 

In his latest display of his full USA federal government dictatorship over both the American people and the former co-branches of government, Dictator Obama is warning the Supreme Court to either rule in his favor or face severe consequences. 



  1. F-You Obama! You are Despicable!. Clarification needed? Didn't think so. Love you gals.

  2. My fear meter and outrage meter broke again. Dear Lord, please let this country survive until this maggot and his minions get voted out of our White House.

  3. My, doesn't the democrat's president always have his finger pointing somewhere. I guess you have to use sign language when the teleprompter in not available.

  4. Nite, Phoobers. I'm kinda down tonight, what with everything. I'm sure all I'll I need is a good night sleep. Love you!

  5. this scares me! as side note BG figured I needed my own dog so I have ..... Minion!!!!!! BG named him I call him Min but it cracks me up to have my own minion!!! LOL
