Friday, February 8, 2013

Friday is happier than Thursday!

Enjoying Friday!
It's the Best!


  1. We love the Snoopy dance! Thanks, Sis!

    I'm off for my monthly check-up and I'm nervous--wish me luck at the doctor...

    1. Froggy, praying that you have good results at your checkup! :)

  2. Praying for all my friends at the pond.

  3. Lotsa luck, Froggy. I'm sure you'll do fine and all the news will be good.

    I'm sitting with Bambu in my lap who is extra affectionate this morning. I'm not sure why. Maybe Puffin got him to do something bad and he's trying to ward off punishment. Puffin is still in the bed sleeping. Cold & gray today.

    Can anyone believe the outrageous testimony from Panetta yesterday? I knew it. Obama and Hillary were AWOL while Amb. Stevens and the other brave Americans were being killed. I wouldn't have believed they could keep this covered up until after the election... but they did. Romney really got rolled!

    1. I just got home and was reading about that, Eva--what a disgrace. Nobody even cared about those men.

    2. I just saw a picture on facebook of the Benghazi attack. It was horrible. It will haunt me. I also listened to the testimony from Panetta and General Dempsey. How can this be ignored? This is so outrageous! We must be living in an alternate universe. How else could all this happen as Obama just goes on his merry way, telling his lies, and no one really cares?

  4. Froggy, how'd it go at the doc today? Good, I hope.

    I am glad that Panetta and General Dempsey FINALLY said what they said. I want to write an angry epistle right now about our current political class, but won't.

    Marco Rubio is giving the Republican answer to Obama's SOTU address. Rand Paul is giving the tea party answer after Rubio. Interesting.

