Thursday, February 7, 2013

Happy Thursday, Friends!

Too funny!


  1. Good morning, all! The weather is so strange. On Tuesday, the sun was blazing and the temp was 75. Yesterday was in the low 60's, hazy & drizzly. Today the sun is shining brightly but the temp isn't expected to get out of the 50's. Rain is expected tonight and tomorrow. I know it's February but the weather should make up its mind!

    Nothing much planned for today, but that's no reason for me to stay in front of the computer all morning. I'm gonna drag myself to the shower and maybe that will get my brain functioning.

    1. There's my Eva! It's nice and sunny here, all the sudden. How are the boys doing? At least da Wolf has finally shut up at night--Eva, how can you stand it?

    2. I don't stand it well. I try holding Puffin and that's good until I start falling asleep, then he starts up again. It's annoying because I have trouble sleeping anyway and once he wakes me up, I'm afraid I won't get back to sleep. My main worry is for Joe, though. If necessary, I can take a nap during the day but he has to get up and go to work. He needs his sleep. I thought cats were supposed to sleep most of the time when they got to this age.

  2. Good morning Eva, I know what you mean about a shower. That always gets me going for the day. Nothing exciting here..yet. Froggy is trying to catch Wolfie. Dreary day outside, but in Seattle it's stays that way til spring.

  3. Works for me.

    I am glad that I didn't have coffee in my mouth. Yesterday was a day like that but after 43+ years it happens.

    Hi Ponders. Morning Ponders. Today I am trying to get ready to drive to eastern Washington. I always get really edgy about the drive. Please pray for me.

    I am really missing my grandkids. I absolutely love being around them. There is always something going on that I miss and they are growing up so fast.

    1. Gloria, I can identify with your apprehension! Going the opposite direction (from eastern WA to western WA)has the same effect on me. Even though Jeff (hubby) is driving, and he's a very good driver, I get so stressed with the traffic around Seattle and Everett. I will keep you in my prayers!

    2. I'll be praying for you as you drive. You're braver than I am. The grandkids are a major motivator. I know they appreciate it and will remember you for it when they're older.

  4. Good morning;

    I've been sick since Monday with bronchitis. The doctor who treated me was a PA, and she was about 25. She said; yep, you are coming down with bronchitis. You can go to work if you want. I said, aren't I contagious? She said yes. (I was not impressed with her). Anyway; she also gave me a prescription for an antibiotic, and said to get it filled if I'm still sick in 14 days. Well, that evening I got so much worse, and for the last two days I've been miserable. I won't gross you out with my symptoms, but I looked them up on WebMD., and I have all of them. :( Luckily, I work for understanding people. I think my co-worker gave it to me, but it's not her fault; we work in cubicles and it's my observation that people in those environments are exposed to much more than those who work in an office. My point is, I haven't had anything like this in over 8 years, and I've always been in a private office until last year. I guess I will have to be more careful.

    I mainly checked in to tell Froggy that I really like Explorer 10, if for no other reason than it checks my spelling! :)

    Stay well everyone! I'm going back to bed.

    1. Oh, Paget, I'm so sorry you're sick--that's miserable! The older we get, the worse it feels. I'll be praying for you--and Gloria--too!

      I took 2 Benedryl for a running nose and itching--allergies--and had to lay down for a nap--wow. It usually doesn't do that to me. I'm back now--where's our Phoo?

    2. Paget, when I was so sick last year from January to April, I couldn't get any help UNTIL I developed a bronchial infection. The way the doc put it: "It wants to become full blown bronchitis, but it isn't yet." I said, "And it isn't going to be if I have anything to say about it, so give me something or I'm going to show up every day and infect as many people as I can." He laughed and gave me the prescription. I'm not too pleased him either.

    3. Thanks Froggy and Eva. :)

      Eva, I remember how sick you were last year. I didn't remember that it was a bronchial infection!

      I'm 61, and I don't normally get colds or flu anymore. I thought I had just built up enough immunities after being exposed to stuff for so many years. I was wrong! I wonder if the new Obamacare will be bringing more PAs into the system, as they'll need so many medical professionals. If so, that scares me!

  5. Hi Gloria and Paget, Froggy faded out early today, and crawled back in bed. Funny cartoon today! May I suggest everyone keep an extra supply of unopened toothbrushes handy.

    Paget, Being sick and going to work is miserable. Can't you take a couple days off, or would it help? I know what you mean about getting some very young doctor who doesn't really know more than you do. I do the same thing and look up symptoms (and cures) on the Internet. Maybe more doctors should try that.

    I think that we both have Explorer 7. Can we download Explorer 10 for free off the Internet?

    I'll look for some interesting news to post. There's certainly no lack of stories. Just need to pick a couple. I'll be back in a little while.

    1. Wog, Explorer 10 is free. :) I've been home since Tuesday, but I hate missing work. OTOH, I know they don't want to catch it!

    2. Sissy, you know I did that to brother growing up... ha!

    3. Froggy, that cartoon is hilarious! Did you ever tell your brother what you did? If he reads this its no longer a secret...

    4. No, I never told him--yet. And he doesn't know I have a blog. He's an old duck who isn't close to Sissy or me...

  6. Bad Froggy...Yes, you did "use" brother's toothbrush!!!!!That's why this cartoon is extra funny.

    Paget, I'll try the download of Windows 10 tomorrow. Sounds like it will be an improvement. Sometimes I don't like to upgrade things because they move stuff around, and you can't find anything. But I'll do it.

    1. The computer gurus at work updated our computers to Explorer 10 without pointing out the differences to us. I just learned this week that the favorites are on the opposite side of the screen at the top. I felt really stupid as I was asking people what happened to our favorites. However, most of them didn't know either. :)

    2. Don't feel stupid, hon--you know how computers always attempt to 'fix what ain't broke'...
