Thursday, February 21, 2013

Good Morning, Good Friends!

It's only Thursday...


  1. Morning Ponders.

    With all the talk about weird weather I remembered something that I heard recently. We have had some severe geological things happen worldwide. Hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsnumis, volcanoes erupting and all nature of weird storms. It seems that the earth been moved off its axis by a few degrees which is enough to move the jet stream a few hundred miles off its normal path. How about that? Remember Who is in charge.

  2. Gloria, I hadn't read that, but a move on the axis would certainly change things.

  3. Expecting 80 degree weather for the next week. Ten degrees above normal. Going to bed early tonight.

  4. A baby orange kitten! LOVE!

    We had snow, heavy sleet, pea sized hail, lightening and thunder, all at the same time, during the night and up until about 7:30 this morning. Never seen weather like that before. There were so many crashes around the city that the police told everyone if it was a no-injury crash to just exchange info, take cell phone pictures, and move on.

    Once the storm passed, I could tell from the news which major routes were pretty clear, so I drove myself to work. Got there an hour late, but arrived safe and sound. Took the highway home. They're mostly clear but a lot of water in some spots, which will freeze tonight. So, it will be wait and see again tomorrow morning.

    Gloria, interesting to think about the Earth being moved off its axis.

    Tomorrow's Friday!

  5. I saw the bad snow sotrms on the Internet...but with thunder!!! I've never seen that. Quite amazing.

    Don't ya just love that kitten. It's always so tempting to bring 'em all home. Resist!

  6. Just saw a Capital One comercial with the Vikings. One Viking said "here's your wake-up call," and handed the other Viking a rooster! Love these ads.
