Friday, March 8, 2013

So happy it's Friday!

I didn't have to tell you
it's Friday, did I?


  1. Yay, Friday! For no particular reason since I'm not working, but just because.

    It rained all night but now the sun is out. It's only going to be in the 50's today but if the rain is over, it'll be so clear and sharp. This is when I love Los Angeles.

    1. I got up real early and then went back to bed. When I finally woke up, 'Woggy had snuck out and Wolfie had all his toys all over the livingroom!

      The sun is shining today.

  2. Good Morning Eva, Always nice to hear from you. There's just something special about Friday, isn't there? I know what you mean about LA. I miss San Diego, and driving between San D and LA. Just love being near the beach.

    I just got up (or rather, Wolfie got me up). There is a lot to get done today, so might as well get started.

  3. Hi Ponders. What is everyone doing today? Any plans for the weekend? I have been checking in but haven't had anything to say. Love reading your stuff.

    For some reason I have been busy lately. I have dutifully been getting up in the morning to help Steve make a lunch like a good Mommy. Yesterday I went to visit a friend, do some errands and renew my drivers licence. I am trying to get set up selling on Ebay. So far I have had 2 good sales - YEAH!

    Have any of you given your cats Greenies? Peanut loves them. We give her the ones for hairballs.

    1. Gloria,
      Greenies? Where do I get them? Wolfie left us a "hairball present" this morning.

      Tell me about your eBay site. If I thought I could make any money, I would do it again. I just wasn't very good at it. It might be too hard to drag the sales to the post office on the bus.

    2. Wog, Greenies are cat treaties. Pet store or grocery.

    3. Wolfie had some eatable oinment we gave him for hairballs, but it made him barf every single day, so we stopped. What do Greenies do?

    4. Feline Greenies Smartbites Hairball Control. I think you can get urinary tract help too. The thing is Peanut really likes them.

    'WOG says, 'This is so stupid and hurtful to America that I can't comment on it! Well, maybe I do have something to say. Since when do we honor dictators, tyrannts, and despots? Will obama personally attend the funeral? Will we have to pay for Sean Penn, Michael Moore, Jane Fonda, and Oliver Stone to go, too? And how much will it cost the American people to send him and entourage to Venezuela? Don't we have anything to say about it?'

    "Did they think no one would notice? Citgo, the oil company, has its corporate headquarters in Houston but is owned by the national oil company of Venezuela. Following the death of President Hugo Chavez on Tuesday, the company did the patriotic thing and lowered its flags to half-staff. Including the American flag."

    Read more, if you can stand it:

    1. The world is truly upside down. Nothing is ever done to stop this stuff.

      I have no respect for celebrities that make their money off Americans and then show their disrespect for our country by supporting dictators. Some days i get so pissed off that I am better off to not watch the news.

  5. Gloria, Page has the 'Greenies' today. Nausea with throwing up. Hopefully whatever she has will be short lived. Not going to be doing anything special this weekend except enjoy the expected warm weather. Have a great Friday and weekend.

    1. Poor Page, trying to hack up a hairball is rough isn't it?

    2. Give Ms. Page a 'hey-y'all' from me and I hope she gets better, Phoo.

  6. Eva, I loved Los Angeles on those kind of days, too. Some kind of wonderful.

    Phooey, hope Page gets well soon. Will say a special prayer for her.

    Gloria, you are such a good woman for getting up to pack a lunch. I was a very active eBay seller back in the early days. What is your seller name? What are you selling? I might just buy something from you!

    SO GLAD ITS FRIDAY. With the owner gone a couple of days this week, my boss and I got a lot of stuff done we couldn't do if he was here. He is a major packrat. Long story short: in 2 days she and I filled 50 boxes with old papers (the shredders came today), made a pile of 35 things that run on electricity like old monitors/copiers/calculators/vacuum cleaners/etc, (the recycle guy comes next week). We found $45 in coins! Thank the Lord he won't be at work on Monday because we haven't even scratched the surface on his office. Seriously, I work in a reality TV show. It was a lot of work, but hilarious. Oh, and we still got our regular "have to" work done! Love my job.

    It ticks me off about the Chavez funeral. I'm personally ticked off about this: Because of the sequester "cuts" (what a joke), the Will Rogers World Airport here in OKC is on the list for air traffic controllers to no longer work at night. This isn't O'Hare or anything, but it is a very busy airport. You know what? Obama didn't win a SINGLE COUNTY in Oklahoma. hmmmmm

    1. Hi Surfie and Gloria, I would like to know your eBay name too.

      Wow, Surfie, that's sounds like a lot of work. An office needs to be organized a little bit so you can find things. Your boss will be so surprised. I helped a tax lady a couple times, and business owners would just drop off shoe boxes full of tax stuff: checkbooks, receipts, invoices, etc. A real confusing mess at tax time.

      What a jack-assed deal about Chavez funeral. He does not deserve the honor that is being paid to him from world leaders. Has the entire planet gone bonkers?

    2. Surfie and Wog, my ID is calliope18003. To get started I just listed 4 things. 3 sold and 1 needs to be relisted. I have 1 new listing, an antique Sad Iron. I am still learning how. Steve will be around to show me some things this weekend. I am going through closets and tote thinking about new things to list. Scott really didn't know about all my stuff that has been tucked away. i just need to convince myself to let go of it. Hope to go to Val's house and pick up more stuff. She has some really good sources.

    3. Gloria, what fun! I'll go by later and have a look. Pretty soon you'll be dropping by yard sales to find stuff for your eBay store.


    "A Michigan elementary school is defending its decision to confiscate a third-graders batch of homemade cupcakes because the birthday treats were decorated with plastic green Army soldiers."

