Thursday, July 18, 2013

Thursday. A great day with Pond Friends.

~Good Morning!~


  1. Well gosh, we had an interesting week. Sunday, Page started her colonoscopy prep. Everything went well for awhile then I had to clean three walls and the toilet TWICE! Thankfully the procedure went well. Then yesterday, she was having dizzy/fainting spells and took her to the ER. The hospital found no evidence of stroke/heart problems and she got a prescription. Thankfully she seems normal now however, I'm still feeling cautious.
    Happy early Friday everyone!

    1. Hi Phooey,
      My, that was an adventure. Miss Page might have gotten dehydrated prepping for that test. And probably stressed. My last test... I only got down one big bottle of that noxious liquid. I couldn't even stand the smell of the second bottle. Just couldn't get close enough to drink it.

    2. Gee, Phoo, I'll sure say some prayers for deer Ms. Page--I set great store by prayers--and you-all!

      Tell her to drink some Gatorade and eat a banana...

      Tell her we're proud of her for going through it; you're a good husband, Phoobers.

    3. Prayers for Paige. Is she feeling better?

      I always drank Gatorade after a stomach flu or something gastrointestinal that could drain me of electrolytes or dehydrate me. Last winter when I had pneumonia, my doctor told me to drink Pedialite instead because it doesn't contain so much sugar or salt or something.

      My motto is: a banana a day keeps the doctor away!

    4. Phoo, am agreeing with Surf. She may have had an electrolyte imbalance. Prayers for Paige. Paige, you have my sympathy.

      Just got home from helping a friend put together a bookshelf. a zillion pieces. If I could use the right tools it would have been easier to build one from scratch.

  2. I took a bus trip to the store. I can't carry much on the bus, so I make frequent trips. Actually, I just like to go places! Anyway, by the time I got home, it was hot outside. "Melting" is the operative word for today!

    1. Is there any break from the heat in store for Seattle?

    2. We had a thunder storm that blew up a transformer. I slept through it.
