Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Tuesday. Here today, gone tomorrow.

~Today: the Summer Lily-Pad Races~


  1. Hi Eva,
    I read your post last night very late.
    How are you holding up with the packing? Selling the house? Have you seen Steve?

    Eva and Surfie,
    If something written has really pretty words, and they touch your heart, they came from Froggy’s heart. She has a gift of beautiful thoughts. I always thought she should write greeting cards. My Sis doesn't know that she has talent.

    1. Froggy, your sister is right. You are a beautiful and wise and loving soul, and you are very good at writing it out. I hope you start writing those snippets of beauty down. A line of cards written by you could bless countless people. I just re-read the card to sent, and it blessed me all over again in ways I can't express.

      I'm so sorry you have been feeling physically bad lately. Prayers for you each and every day, deer sister.

  2. Yesterday's story was so sweet! It made my heart sing.
    Page and I were sleepy all day, could do nothing. Bummer. NCIS tonight.
    Have a blessed Wendesday all.

    1. Hi Phooey,
      Don't ya just love a sleepy, peaceful day. Warm days were made for naps.

      Thanks for NCIS reminder. I'll go check TV guide now.

      Froggy has been miserable lately. Back pain and fibromyalgia kicking up. So she is resting today.

  3. Had a great day at work today. Can't explain it, but I got a good 2 days work done in one. Must be the Magic Cobalt Starfish!

    A note was on my door when I got home. They are coming into my apt. tomorrow to spray for bugs, then the next day to change air filters. They do this every 3 or 4 months.

    I'm cleaning up the place tonight. My mother used to tidy up before the cleaning lady came when, in later life, she could afford a cleaning service twice a month. HALP! I'VE BECOME MY MOTHER!!!!

    So, tonight is about tidying the place up, watching NCIS and cooking myself dinner. I'm going to "grill" nectarines on top of the stove. Never done that before. Hope it isn't a total disaster!

    Love you Pond Family.

    1. Hi Surfie,
      Sounds like you are having a grand evening. Never heard of grilled nectarines. Let us know how it turns out. Maybe another recipe for a book. NCIS is on our list for tonight's entertainment too. We don't really like NCIS: LA, but then we didn't like the regular episodes til just lately.

      We watch "Under The Dome" on Monday nights. I'm a big Stephen King fan!


    Millions in U.S. Subsidies Go to Dead Farmers

    WASHINGTON — The federal government pays millions of dollars in farm subsidies each year to farmers who have died, because the Agriculture Department lacks the proper controls to make sure the money it sends is going to the right people, a government audit has found.

    The Government Accountability Office, the investigative arm of Congress, said the problem involved several agencies within the department.

    The Natural Resources Conservation Service, which oversees the Agriculture Department’s conservation programs, sent out $10.6 million in payments between 2008 and 2012 to more than 1,000 people who had been dead for more than a year, according to the report.

    The Risk Management Agency, which administers the crop insurance program, paid $22 million to more than 3,400 policyholders who had been dead for at least two years. The G.A.O. said that some of those payments might have been made while the farmer was still alive, but that there was no way to know for sure.

    READ MORE: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/07/31/us/politics/millions-in-us-subsidies-go-to-dead-farmers.html?_r=0


    Hemp is everywhere these days — including in this new BMW

    "You don't have to be an aging hippie or current hipster to enjoy the many uses of hemp. It comes from the cannabis plant, and recent congressional research reveals that hemp is used in more than 25,000 products in a market estimated to be worth some $500 million. For home decor snobs there are Ralph Lauren hemp rugs, for fashionistas there are Giorgio Armani hemp clothes.

    And now for motorheads, there's a Dutch scooter and this snazzy new BMW electric car, the i3. Hitting the market in Germany this fall, the i3 has hemp fibers in its doors (to go with the "responsibly forested eucalyptus" dashboard trim). While it won't get you high, designer Benoit Jacob says it gives the car the feeling of "a small loft on wheels."

    THIS ARTICLE FOUND AT: http://now.msn.com/hemp-used-in-bmw-i3-and-other-products-such-as-rugs-and-clothes

  6. Grilled nectarines sounds delish!! Never did it. Never had them. It just sounds like it would be wonderful.

    I wonder how greeting card writers got their start? I think I always thought of a room of people sitting at a table, looking at pictures and throwing out ideas. Probably pretty off the mark. Froggy, if you could find a way to do a greeting card line, you'd rake the $$ in. 'Wog is right.

    Packing is progressing bit by bit. I'm doing a lot of cleaning as well. I picked Joe up from the airport yesterday. The entire way to LAX, I was thinking "Thank goodness this is the last time I'll ever have to do this!"

    Still haven't seen Steve yet, but we've talked every day. He told me this afternoon he's planning to clean out his car tomorrow. Honestly, he's been back for a week now and he hasn't unpacked his car? We're just talking about clothes. He really needs to get his act together.

    Love to everyone and I'll check in tomorrow :)
