Thursday, August 1, 2013

What day is it, Ponders?


  1. Good Morning Pond Family from the West Coast,
    Just to let you know that I posted (to, too, two - pick one) articles late last night. They were just too interesting to wait.

    It's quiet here at Froggy-land. Froggy is resting her back, and there is not much for me to do that is quiet in a small apartment. So I may read some news or read a book. Speaking of books, I always wanted to write books. Guess it won't get easier just because I get older. My latest inspirational motto is "Nothing gets done until you do it." So maybe I should start on the book-writing today.

    Enough about me! What special, secret thing did you always want to do?

  2. Good morning, Ponders. A cool gloom has settled over Puget Sound. We need to enjoy it cause it is supposed to get way hot next week.

    Wog, that book won't write itself doncha know, anyway that is what Scott says only he applys it to doing dishes.

    Am spending time with Val and the grands. They are house sitting across the valley from me. For her this is a vacation.

    As far as secret or special things.... I want to see the Auroras Borealis and I want to go to Key West.

    1. Howdy Gloria,
      I've seen the lights as a kid visiting Canada. Don't remember much about it. So it's still on my to-do list. Never been to Florida. Would love to drive down to the Keys. For you and me, the Aurora Borealis is definitely possible.

  3. I've always wanted to write, too. I self-published a blogger cookbook back in 2007. Won't tell you the name of it because there's a typo on the front cover and I need to dig out my user info. so I can change the price. That's on my to-do list.

    Sometimes, I wonder if I need therapy. I have a screenplay, a tv-show, and 4 cookbooks I play around with writing on the weekends. Maybe when I retire or take a week-long stay-at-home vacation I can actually focus on ONE project.

    GO FOR IT FROGGY AND WOG. Wog, you have a lot of life experience to go into a book with the idea you mentioned. Froggy, you could do a line of greeting cards using frogs or cats to brighten peoples' day. DO IT, GIRLS!

    My bucket list is a mile long. Probably won't get to cross all the items off before my earth suit wears out, but it sure is fun thinking about them and writing them down.

    Three things on my list are Fisherman's Wharf and Haight Ashbury in SanFran, plus a wine-tasting tour in Napa Valley. If all goes well, those will get crossed off my list in September when I visit my son. Fingers crossed!

    EVA, I laughed about you getting the mover's checklist. Sent me into a panic, too, when I moved to OKC. Keep breathing! I read the route you take to LAX. Know every street and every turn. Love L.A., but don't miss the traffic a single bit.

    Love you Ponders!

    1. Hi Surfie,
      Nice to know that I'm not alone in my writing endeavors. At least you took your cookbook all the way to finished product. I have that part to learn yet. I've had an account on CreateSpace for a long time, but never used it. There is also Café Press which I don't know much about. I think you can design t-shirts, and they print them on demand. We could have used Café Press in the 60s.

      How did you design your cover?

      It's nice to know that I have someone that can answer my questions. I used to relate everything to a movie I'd seen. Now I think everything I hear about should be a book.

      It's funny you'd say that I have a lot of life experience to rely on for book material. I took a writing class in the 70s, and one thing that was decided was that I didn't have any "life experiences."

      I saw Fisherman's Wharf once wen I was younger, but don't remember Haight Ashbury. I may have been there pre-hippie days. I remember driving across the Golden Gate Bridge into Sausilito. Oh, well, enough traveling and dreaming. It's late. I'll be back tomorrow.
