Friday, September 6, 2013

Friday...Happy Dancing!


  1. Happy Friday to our Pond Family.
    I'm getting ready to go to AARP interview at Salvation Army. After interview I'll be close to bus stop so I can hop a bus to see Froggy.

    Obama is spoiling my morning. Once he learning that he could give speeches, he doesn't shut up. It was better when he just went golfing.

    Check out couple posts from last night. One is Grumpy Cat. Who knew you could become a millionaire off such a cute, silly little face.


    What if animals ate fast food

    1. Good one, Wog! :) Luckily this is fantasy, or Michelle Obama would be hounding them too!

    2. Paget, you made me laugh. I could use a good laugh. This little animated film was so cute, I thought everyone would enjoy it.

  3. Wog, how did the interview go? When you get home from visiting Froggy, please let us know and also let us know how Froggy is doing today.

    Don't know what time of day Wednesday that Eva & Joe started driving. If they drove most of the day, then all day Thursday, then all day today, they probably have blown past OKC. Keep them in your prayers, Deer Ponders!

    I'll be a busy little bee this weekend, getting for my birthday vacation next week. Can't wait to see him! Color me happy!

    1. That would be getting READY for my vacation next week. Can't wait to see my son. And eat some fantastic seafood.

    2. Surfie, you just bubble over with "happy's" when you talk about your son! We wish you the best vacation anyone ever had.

      I don't know when Eva and Joe were leaving either. Eva can stop worrying now! Just enjoy the view of the United States. I didn't ask if she has ever driven across the U.S. It's pretty fascinating.

  4. Hi Wog,

    How was your interview? I know that isn't your dream job, but it should help out in the meantime. :)

    Speaking of Obama, I can hardly stand to listen to him, even when my favorite talk show hosts play soundbites. Most everything he says is a lie! Last year he brought up the redline for Syria. Now he says HE didn't initiate the redline. And on and on it goes....But I know I'm preaching to the choir. Sometimes it helps to vent. :)

    Maybe I'm one of the few here looking forward to fall. I've had enough 90+ degree days, and am happy it's cooling down. I'm not a big fan of winter; but fall is just fine with me. :)

    It's finally Friday! What plans do you all have for the weekend? I don't have anything exciting planned; but it's great to have two whole days away from work, doing my own thing.

    Wog, I'm sending my love to Froggy, and to you too of course! I sure hope Froggy knows that we're praying for her speedy recovery!

    Continued prayers for Eva's safe trip, and for all the pond people. :)

    Have a great weekend!

    Love from Paget

    1. Hi Paget, Loved your post this evening. Very newsy.
      Froggy is trying very hard with her exercising. Saturday and Sunday I will help her with some of the exercises. She is not allowed to takes steps yet, but she can stand with a walker as long as she doesn't put weight on the hurt leg. She can use walker to get in ad out of bed and into wheelchair.

      Today Froggy came back from therapy, and someone had taped a "Good Job" certificate on her wall. They thanked her for her hard work, and for encouraging other people in her group workouts. She was very proud of that! Strange note: someone pasted a frog and a lily pad in the middle of the certificate. (Not me.)

      Yes, Fall is the best time. Though Spring is pretty exciting when the trees leaf out, and you find Robins in the yard.

      Speaking of Obama: I have no comments other than he was on TV this morning...going on and on and on...

      Going to rest now. Love all of you for watching out for me and my super Sis.
