Saturday, September 7, 2013

Saturday AND Sunday Pond Fun!


  1. Good morning Deers!

    Wog, how did the interview go yesterday? Have you had time to check out any temp. agencies?

    I admire you a lot, Wog. How you deal with everything on your plate and remain sane and strong and with such good humor is inspiring to me. You rock!

    Froggy rocks, too! Please tell her how proud of her we all are for working so hard and encouraging others.

    Surfie Smooches to both of you!

    What's everyone doing today? Eva and Joe are probably still driving. I'm doing chores and getting ready for vacation next week.

  2. Good morning all.

    Surfie has Wog and Froggy figured out. Wog is indeed a strong woman and she doesn't give up. Wog you are a great example for having a good outlook on life. As for our Miss Froggy encouraging others, I can see her doing that too.

  3. Surfie and Gloria...
    You all keep me going. I look forward to coming by in the evening, even if its's late. I left home too early today. Got to Federal way at 9am and had to wait 45 minutes for first bus of the day to show up. I'll know better next weekend. Froggy and I went to gym, and I counted while she did her exercises (arms and legs). Froggy is now waiting for lunch. I brought a sandwich and a banana today. Not much on TV. We'll probably nap after lunch.

    Froggy Rocks!

  4. It puts a smile on my face reading everyone's comments....all you ladies Rock!
    Froggy and Woggy are real troopers for dealing with all they have had to go through.
    Have a blessed weekend everyone.

  5. Hi Deer Friends,
    I'm all ready for tomorrow's trek.

    Bus times. CHECK
    Lunch. CHECK
    Treats for 'WOG. CHECK
    Froggy's laundry done. CHECK
    Sunday's TV schedule. CHECK

    A lot of Football Sunday... I mean...A LOT!
    Go Seahawks!

    I'm tired, so signing in and signing off for the evening.
    All of you are great! Love you!

  6. Wog, hope you and Froggy have a wonderful Sunday. Will you be able to watch football with her? If you drop in here before getting on the bus, please give her love and hugs from the Pond!

    Want to hear a good story? You know I'm flying to SanFran this week to see my son. Airfare and hotel are paid for, and I have spending money. But not as much "fun money" as I would like. Yesterday morning I got this wild idea to take a bunch of silver spoons I have been collecting for years to a gold/silver buyer to see what they were worth. I've been intending since forever to have them framed for kitchen art. ANYWAY, I was thinking they might be worth about $100 ... I walked out of the place with $548!!! YAY!

    Now that I know how much my garage sale finds are worth, I'll be going to more garage sales. And I learned something: take a good magnet with me. If something is gold or silver plated, it sticks to a magnet. If it is any karat of gold or is sterling, the magnet won't stick. New hobby!

    I wonder where Eva and Joe are. I'm thinking they must be very close to their new home. Love you Deers!

    1. Surfie, Good Deal! I already sold everything I could find at home. Both gold and silver went way up this last couple years. I have a small magnifier so I can look for the word "sterling" and I have a magnet. It's hard to find stuff at the Goodwill, etc. because they got smart, and they sell the good stuff online. You've got me inspired to go through the stuff at home again. There aren't many yard sales in my area.

      Enjoy your trip! I know you will.

    2. Surfie, I loved your story. That is so great that you got such a good return on your spoons! :) Have a great time on your trip! :)

  7. Yes, I will let Froggy know that we didn't forget her. I can watch the games on Froggy's TV. Don't think she'll watch all the games, but she will watch Seahawks play the Panthers.

    Actually I'd better get ready to catch the bus.
    Enjoy your day.

    1. Wog, Yes, please do tell Froggy that she is often in our thoughts and prayers! I'm so proud of you both! You two frog sisters are very special. We love you deerly. :)

      It inspires me to read about your daily challenges that you handle so well. You are unflappable! :)

      We're also watching the Seahawks. Sure hope they live up to their reputation and pull this thing together in the second half!

      Have a safe ride home. :)


    Iowa granting gun permits to the blind

    "No one could see this coming.Iowa is giving people who are blind permits that will allow them to purchase guns or to carry firearms in public, the Des Moines Register reports.

    The permits are legal, as Iowa law does not deny anyone the right to carry a weapon based on physical disability.

    But, the paper reports, the dilemma comes for law enforcement officials who are trying to ensure public safety.

    Advocates for the disabled are split over the decision.

    Some insist blind people can be taught to use guns, and blocking any visually impaired person from obtaining a weapons permit would violate the Americans with Disabilities Act.

    Still, others say owning a gun may be the one exception where the blind should be treated differently than individuals who have their sight."

    Read more:

    1. Hi Wog,

      So many things in our country are upside down right now. What this blind man needs is a ferocious looking, (but loveable) German Shepherd seeing eye dog. :)

    2. That was a great comment, Paget. And a better solution.

  9. Hi All, I'm writing a quick note from Care Center. We watched Seattle Seahawks game...and won. Made us happy. I had to use computer to find out what game was on this evening. It's the Giants at the Cowboys. Don't know if Froggy will watch that one.


    Rice safe to eat despite arsenic levels, FDA says

    While the long-term health risks remain unclear after studies found “concerned levels” of arsenic in rice, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has given the all-clear to eat rice-related products.

    CBS News reports the FDA released the reassuring, new guidance on Friday, but noted research is necessary to issue a definitive determination.

    "These are the next steps," Dr. Suzanne C. Fitzpatrick, senior adviser for toxicology at the FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, told the news organization.

    "To look at exposure levels, to analyze the risk, and determine how to minimize that risk for the overall safety of consumers, including vulnerable groups like children and pregnant women.”
    Prior research -- including studies from Dartmouth University and Consumer Reports -- reportedly found heightened levels of “inorganic arsenic” linked to rice and rice products, like infant formula and cereal bars.

    Read more:
