Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wednesday. What are you doing today?

It's a beautiful day.
Enjoy it at The Pond.


  1. Good morning everyone,

    Wog, how is Froggy today? Sure hope they were able to get her pain meds under control.

    The articles you posted yesterday were very interesting; especially the one about the cars found underwater. It’s hard to believe they didn’t find them in all these years! I hope those poor families get some closure now.

    I’m still amazed that our homeland military facilities are gun free zones. It makes no sense to me. Now the media will use this tragedy to push forward their anti-gun agenda. I saw a cartoon today that had a newscaster standing in front of the Navy Yard. He was saying, “Wielding a deranged man, a GUN killed twelve people today.”

    Surfie; on a happier note, I enjoyed reading your comment about Mike’s plans. You are truly blessed to have a thoughtful son who values your opinion concerning his important life decisions! That is awesome!

    I’ll leave now; my lunch break is over.

    Take care everyone!

    Love and prayers from Paget

    1. Hi Paget,
      Glad you enjoyed my news articles yesterday. I try to find something different that might be interesting. Right as I am writing, Froggy is walking, slowly, down the hall with a walker. Her therapist is following beside her pulling the wheelchair. I am so proud of her. Froggy tries so hard to do everything they want her to do.

  2. Check today's Google Doodle!
    It shows a swinging pendulum to honor Leon Foucault who used the pendulum to prove that the earth rotated on its axis. You can watch the pendulum knock down the pegs.

  3. Oh Surfie, what wonderful news! I hope she says yes. As others have said, please keep us informed.

    As far as testing one's patience, I think you're right. G-d has something in mind, because now Joe has found out that he won't start work until Oct. 7. My first reaction was to freak out because we sped everything up to get here so that he could start on the 16th. Bureaucracy and red tape! On the other hand, now I have him around to help me get things done. He knows the area so much better than I and I was dreading having to get to the DMV and places like that on my own. New Jersey has these weird things called jug handles where you make left turns. Everywhere we go I see signs saying "All turns from right lane". It's very intimidating!

    The other thing requiring patience is that all our stuff got here except for 11 items that are coming on the 24th. Well, okay, but whoever split up our shipment, put part of our bed on one truck and another part on the second truck! I was so looking forward to being able to sleep on my own mattress by the end of the week. Right now, Joe is sleeping on the floor in one room and I'm sleeping on a single bed left by the owner in another room. The cats crowd in with me because even they don't want to sleep on the floor. Little spoiled babies :)

    Commenting on 'Wog's post of the article saying that the Seaside fire was accidental: Joe & I went over there a couple of days ago. The smell of burned wood almost knocked me out. There were cranes in the ocean, a sight I've never seen. Very sad. It was a very sunshiny day, though, and tons of people were out walking on the part of the boardwalk beyond the fire break.

    Praying for Froggy and hoping her pain gets handled and diminished!

    1. Hi Eva,
      Your story of the movers isn't really funny, but it made me laugh. Who would split up a bed set?

      I have not ever seen something burned up that close. Makes you be thankful for your day. Sis and I drove to New Orleans before the flood. I just couldn't image all that area under water, and people sitting on their roofs waiting to be rescued. And the wet houses full of alligators, snakes, and mold. It's really horrible.

  4. I'm so proud of Froggy! Hope it wasn't too painful. You go girl!

    Interesting news articles yesterday, Wog. Those cars found were here in Oklahoma. No positive ID yet, but local authorities are pretty sure who the people are. At least now they can bury their loved ones.

    Fall weather is coming right on schedule this weekend. YAY! Think I might make my first pot of veggie beef soup and a loaf of cornbread Sunday.

    Eva? Have your things arrived? Hope so!

    1. Surfie, don't ask! Read Eva's post above.

      I thought you might enjoy that article about the found cars. They only found them by accident. There was a story like that in Los Angles. (I'll go look it up and be right back.)

  5. Surfie, I found the story I was looking for. Phillip Taylor Kramer, drummer for Iron Butterfly, drove to LAX, and just vanished in 1995. They found him and car off canyon near Malibu in 1999. I remember there were a lot of theories about where he was.
