Friday, December 30, 2011

My sister is so wonderful and sweet...

"I did tikkun olem...
I got a cinnamon roll at Starbucks by bus stop.
(paid for with gift card from Ted I got for Christmas)
There was a couple at my second bus stop.
Looked very cold. Then the man got up and draped
Blankets over the lady to keep her warm.
I gave them my cinnamon roll."

*     *     *


  1. Is tikkun olem blessing another person?

    What a lovely selfless act to a total stranger. The Bible says that we often entertain angels unawares.

    May the Lord bless you.

  2. Tikkun olam means, in Judaism, repairing the world--and it is what God asks us to do every day. My sister is an uncommonly generous and dear person--she's definitely my Guardian Angel, and is out there for others, too ;-)
