Friday, March 9, 2012

Good Day! I'll be sleeping in a bit... Happy Purim, Eva!


  1. Happy Purim to you, Froggie! Every year I got to play Queen Esther at our Temple's Purim Carnival when I was a kid. Of course, so did every other little girl. There weren't too many of us who wanted to portray enslaved Jews in Persia. The boys seemed to have fun doing that. Go figure!

    Get a good rest today. I'm going to the hairdresser.

  2. Happy Purim to my Jewish friends here in the Pond. The Book of Esther is one of my favorites. Loved it when Netanyahu gave O'Bummer a copy on his recent visit.

    My father's grandmother was named Anna Greenberg (from Norway). While I was raised a Christian, I've always loved and admired the Jewish people and celebrate Jewish holidays in my own little way.

    One thing I've never understood about prejudice against the Jewish people here in the United States: When my father came home from fighting WWII, and started dating, a lot of young girls' parents wouldn't let them date Daddy because he looked Jewish. Huh? I still don't understand Jew hatred, especially since we had spent such national treasure protecting and liberating them. Especially when the reality of the Holocaust became known to the general population.

    Boggles my mind. I'm proud that my great-grandmother's name is Anna Greenberg.

    PS: I am the spitting image of my Daddy, in a woman's body. LOVE IT.

  3. I love the discussion of Jewish holidays and festivals that we have here. I always learn something. I love the movie that was out a few years ago about Esther.

    Did you see my comment on Thursday about Purim starting at sundown? I hope I didn't get that wrong. (No, Phooey it is not an excuse to drink.)

  4. I love them, too! You know so much about it and bring up such interesting issues. You're a sharp cookie, Gloria!

    I'll go look at your comment...

    1. I learned a lot from Veggie Tales. He He. Just kidding.

  5. I also liked that Netanyahu gave the Book of Esther to Obama. I think he probably missed the point, though. He's so prickly! He thinks he's being pressured to do something when all Bibi was saying was don't stop Israel from doing something to defend herself. Geez!

  6. Alright, I'll say it. I believe all 'true' Christians and Jews know that Yahweh has chosen sides in the battle before us. Does it not boil down daily whom we will serve?
    Good night, ladies.

  7. I hope your right, PhooBear. That bastard in the White House just CAN'T prevail. How are you feeling?

    You have such lovely memories, Eva--and you tell them so well. Happy Purim to you, too ;-)

    I'm jealous, Surfie--I'd have given anything to be born Jewish, steeped in the religion!

    Hey, 'Woggy just got a grant to go to school to learn computer accounting!

    1. Congratulations Wog! Will that take some of the pressure off? I hope so.
