Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Sparkle Morning, Pond Friends!


  1. Good morning everyone! The wind is howling again today, pollen and blooms from the Bradford pear trees are filling the air. It is wreaking havoc on my sinuses.

    How is everybody doing?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Good morning. Surfie, glad to hear that yuour Mike was able to get in touch with you.

      I thought we were done with snow. March weather is so unpredictable.

      I am trying to use a laptop and I keep messing up.

  3. It's cool and dreary here in Los Angeles. Yesterday the temp was 81 and today they forecast a high of 61. Go figure!

    Everything okay, Gloria?

    1. Yep. It is just me. The keyboard on the laptop is awkward for me.

  4. As I was reading this morning the Rush article on Lucianne.... I prayed, let me the 100th poster! I was! Silly, I know! But/And, HE is the great I AM!
    Love you all! Good morning!

  5. That was cute, Phoo!HA! We were about at freezing here early this morning, but now the sun's coming out, so it'll be a nice day. 'Woggy and I have been up and down all night, so we'll be taking as many naps as is humanly possible. They are, of course, starting some constuction around here--our trash chutes, washers on every floor etc.--so peace and quiet will be shot to hell for awhile. We live with an ambulance run on each side of us, so maybe that'll help drown it out... ;-)

    1. FrogEars! You have seen my picture. Never yours. Tapping frog toes here!

  6. I see a lot of Frog Hopping on here today. There's a lot of Happy Hopping at Froggys today. Why..you ask? WE HAVE SUNSHINE IN SEATTLE. What's really funny is that we woke up to snow.

    I don't have any news today, but wanted to see how all the Pond People were doing.

  7. Froggy/Woggie, had fun at the VA today! Even got my Doctor to laugh. Told her to stand up and give me a hug. She did. She is going to put me on B12 shots(self admin). Told her 'If I can stick a cath. in me I can stick a needle in me!' Anyway, go back tomorrow for lessons on 'shooting up' B12 and more blood tests.
    Love you all!

  8. Phooey.. You can do it. Got to be easier than the cath. Will you get to practice on an orange?

    I had to give our cat an insulin shot twice a day. They shaved a spot on the back of her neck where I was supposed to give the shot. Fortunately she was an easy-going kitty. I looked at kitty. I looked at the needle. I looked at the clock. I couldn't go to work until she got her insulin.

  9. Hello friends!

    I haven't been on my computer lately; just working and working and then crashing in front of the TV for a couple hours and then bed. Yes, I know I'm very boring! ;)

    Surfie, I'm so glad to hear your son is ok! Earthquakes are so scary! We experienced some small ones right before Mt. St. Helen's blew in 1980, as we lived nearby in Longview WA. I remember being woken up by one, and feeling like I was on a roller coaster.

    Phooey, it's nice to see you're back! You are a real trooper giving yourself shots!

    'Wog, we also gave insulin shots to our mini Schnauzer, Kramer, for several years before he died. He was such a sweet boy. He held still for each one. Of course he knew he would get a treat after each shot. That helped. ;)

    Speaking of pets, we took our grandpuppy, Kaiser, to the vet this weekend as he injured his foot. He split his toenail, somehow, and had to have it removed and his foot bandaged, etc. Poor guy has to wear a 'cone of shame' now for a few days so he won't lick his wound. Our kitty,Chance, shows him no mercy as he cuddles right up to him and rubs his head on the plastic cone. Poor Kaiser! He just growls and walks away with his head hung down. :( We're supposed to leave it on him until Saturday; if we can wait that long. He is so pitiful.

    Froggy, you sure were an early bird today! It must be hard to sleep with all the city noise. Do you and 'Wog ever use a fan or some other 'white' noise to counter all the other sounds?

    I'm off to bed. Take care everyone!

    Love to you all. :)

  10. Just had to log in to say, poor Kaiser and his "cone of shame"! They do look so pitiful with those things on, don't they?

    It got very cold here tonight. I've got a couple of layers on to go to bed in.

    Night all!

  11. Night All.. I guess I get the last word. Dogs do look pitiful with a cone, but what else can you do. Don't know..do they have a cone for cats?

    Paget, how did grandpuppy Kaiser hurt his toenail? That had to smart.
    Yes, Froggy has a fan for white noise. I cheat. I have to use a CPAP for snoring. So I really can't hear anything.
