Sunday, March 4, 2012

Good Morning, Pond People!

Happy Sunday!


  1. Happy Sunday to my friends! Hope and pray that you are feeling better today, Froggy. Are you feeling better?

  2. Good Afternoon, sweet ladies. 60 degrees and high winds(25) here. Just lovin' you all!
    Froggy, Page has Fibro. and, it went away. I asked her this morning why she has not complained for awhile. She said, "I forgot I had it"! I'm going to dig into what changes have occurred with her. Weird, to say the least.

  3. I've been wracking my brain, trying to figure out what to give my son (Mike) for his birthday. He really doesn't need anything, and since he's going to be moving to Korea in a short while, I didn't want to give him something he would have to either sell or ship or put in storage.

    Wala! Nostalgic care package from Mom! I'm over-night shipping his favorite pasta sauce which I make with roasted red bell peppers, some good cheese, a box of pasta, a container of my Caesar salad dressing, and a little live basil plant. Also his favorite sweet (Hello Dollys) I used to make all the time. He loves Satsuma tangerines, so I'm tucking in a bag of those.

    I'm also including a picture of him "helping" me cook when he was still in diapers, a long heart-felt letter about what a joy he is and always has been in my life (even when he was being a pill). And a completely irreverent, outrageously funny card.

    I know he's going to be totally surprised.

  4. Hi All... been a slow start today. Froggy and I are doing okay, but would be happier with some sunshine.

    Phooey, great to hear from you. I didn't know that Page has Fibro. It comes in varying degrees, so hope hers isn't very bad. Sounds like she has it under control. If you find anything that makes it better, Froggy could use the help.

    Surfie, what a wonderful gift idea for your son. Tasty food, especially food that mom made, is a winner.

  5. Surfie, I Love You!

    1. I love you, too, Phoo!

      (there must be a song in there ... i love you too phoo)

    2. Let me try to warm up my synapse for this. Okay? (endeavor we much)

  6. Hey Wog! Look at our post times! Great minds think ....Hmmmm, I forgot! Oh, well....:-)

    1. Hi Phooey.. I think you said the best part of that quote. "Great minds think..."

    2. Honey, you will always be my apostrophe. Smooch!

    3. Hi Phoo.. I feel Smooched on. You made me happy.

  7. Surfie, what a fantastic idea!! I remember my husband's first birthday after we started dating. I was talking to his Mom on the phone and asking her for her spaghetti sauce recipe. I wanted to cook something special. She said she'd mail me a couple of recipes. The next thing I knew, a big box showed up. In it, not only were the recipes, but all the ingredients AND A POT to cook it in! I remember telling my mother about it and after she stopped laughing, she said something about mothers never being able to stop worrying about their sons eating enough once they've moved away. I understood that part, but the pot? Ah, mothers. How I wish mine were still around!

  8. Gloria, was you who said that your fella does Ebay? What does he sell? I tried it, but didn't make much, and got tired of taking items to the Post Office.

  9. Hi everyone. What a nice and caring group of ponders we have. I have enjoyed reading all the back and forth.

    Wog, DH has an Ebay store and he sells graded sports cards. He has had his store for 6 years. Before that he sold at card shows. A total of 20 years. His little hobby keeps the wolf away from the door besides keeping him busy.

    1. Sports cards has always been a popular Ebay item to sell. I never did 'em because I don't know much about them. I have a couple really old comic books that I wish I'd kept in better shape.

  10. You are my toe Phooey(Tofu)
    My only toe Phooey(Tofu)
    You make me happy
    When grilled and grey
    You'll never know dear
    How much I love you
    So please don't take
    My toe Phooey away

    Froggy, I love you with all my heart!

    1. I meant to say: toe Phoo... not toe Phooey! Oh, well. Phooey!

    2. That was totally GREAT, Phooey!

    3. Awesome Phooey-ness!

    4. Oh Great Phoo-Poet, I sang along. What fun!

  11. Nite nite, sweet peas.

  12. The Left is really going after Rush. I can hardly wait to hear him tomorrow. 7 advertisers have pulled out from his show. Spinelss jellyfish!

    1. That should be "spineless".

    2. It should be interesting to see how soon new sponsors step up. Remember the companies that bailed on Beck? I still won't buy Sargento cheese. They ARE spineless! No doubt they were threatened. Guess they haven't figured out that the Occupy types don't buy mattresses, Carbonite and flowers.

    3. We support Rush at The Froggy's house! Always will.

  13. Thank you for the great song PhooEgg; you always make me feel better! I love you, too; I was missing you today...

    Surfie--get a beautiful portrait of you (and your dear husband if you have one), frame them beautifully and give them to him--I've always thought that was a lovely gift for someone overseas. And besides, your near-daughter-in-law can use them to show her parents... It sounds like a lovely box your making!

    Good night, Your Phooness!

  14. Now, I'm missing my Paget!
