Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Have a lovely Wednesday, Hoppers!


  1. Good morning, you westie frogs! Yes! too cute! Get to stick myself today. Maybe, I'll enjoy it! Heh heh heh!

  2. Morning! Phooey, do you "get" to stick yourself every day? Forever? I guess you'll get used to it, especially if it helps you feel better. Surfie Smooch to you, dear friend!

    A couple of big rain storms are heading my way. We really need it. I've felt so bone dry since I moved here, not to mention the allergies. So, I hope we get a big rain to humidify everything and wash the pollen out of the air.

    I have the blues today, missing my son. I used to snicker inside at people going through grief when their kids left the nest. Now I understand!

    Well, maybe my Breitbart t-shirt will arrive soon and put a smile on my face!

    1. Yes, Breitbart is Here! You know, Surfie, my husband & I have been reading through all the memeories of Andrew on the Big sites and are just surprised that we never ran into him out here. So many stories of his being at this restaurant on Barrington or that bar in Westwood, and these are places we go to. Humpf! We just run into dumb celebrities all over the place. I don't even recognize them until somone mentions it afterwards.

      Empty nest syndrome is so real! I think you got a double whammy since you moved yourself.

    2. Eva, I'm surprised I never ran into him either. I remember going to a small tea party, couldn't find a place to park, and went back home in frustration. I was REALLY ticked off the next day when I read that Andrew showed up and gave a speech. Grrrrr.

  3. Too Cute! How is everyone this morning? Froggy and Woggy?

    Just got an email from granddaughter and BFF Camile and she is wearing a cute frog T shirt too. She checks in with me every day. Either by email or phone. There is no substitute for in person time but this helps.

    Phoo, If you are going to give yourself vit b shots everyday you must be really depleted. Hope you notice the difference soon.

    Surfie, sorry about your being separated form your son. This is a new season for you. See how the Lord orchestrated things so that you would be among your family and not alone. Mike will be starting a new season too. You have shared over and over how the Lord is directing your path.

    Isaiah 43:19 Behold I will do a new thing. Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

  4. Good morning, all! Have fun Phooey and remember, DON'T stick Page by mistake!

    Gloria, this afternoon is my time to skype with my great-niece, Nikki & her little Isaac. I so look forward to it! He's just turned 18 mos. and doesn't sit still anymore, but Nikki holds onto him long enough for me to say hello. Seeing that little munchkin's smile makes my week, but you're right, nothing beats an in-person visit.

    I'm off to the shower with my waterproof radio in hand so I don't miss a word Rush says.

    1. Eva, I'm very interested in Skype. I know that it's been around for a long time. Maybe someday I'll get it set up.

      About Westwood, I only remember a couple celebrities, but it's one place to run into them.( Also in NYC.) I saw Dinah Shore driving her car, Cher's car was at gas station, and Dean Jagger was shopping in one of those exclusive small markets.

      That's funny that you would have a radio in the shower.. just to listen to Rush. He should be flattered!

  5. Gals, laugh with me. Everything was messed up this morning. No needles, no nothing. Except, I meet two fantasktic warriors from WWII!! Blessed! Good Lordy! I'm blessed! They had some issues with the VA. I cleared that up by leaning over the counter with a stearn face saying 'Make it happen!' It happened! Wheeled them out to their car. Not together. This was one by one. One with a wife. One with a son. PhooHappy here!

    1. You have just prooved what we already knew. You are a good and godly man Phoo! You blessed two men today and I believe you will be blessed in return.
      There aren't many WW11bvets left. My Dad was born in 1916. If he were still alive he would be 96.

    2. Phooey, thank you for your service. THANK YOU. I come from a long line of men and women who have served our blessed country. LOVE IT when someone like you stands up and makes some mindless clerk make it happen.

      Good on you, Phoo!

    3. Gloria, hush! I want to tell the story. I met two incredible men today. Russell (wife..Lois) and David (son..Jerk). Both were WWII vets. Russell, always told his wife 'honey, I love you!' , David, would tell his son..'Shut Up!' ... his son was a whinny little prick!(with a lisp) I don't know whether Page or I wanted to bruise that twerp more. Anyway, My God, allowed Me? to care for these gentle old souls,(for a small moment of time), .... lost my train-of-thought....I'm in tears!. I'm grateful! Good night!

    4. Phoo, my teary hero! I just want to say, "Atta boy!"

  6. Just found out that Purim begins tonight at sundown. What preparations have you made or what do you do to commemorate this?

    1. Purim? Have not a clue. Drink more beer?

  7. For Purim, you celebrate happy (froggy) and eat candy and treats--the kids like it.

    Gloria, don't mind Phoo for hushing you--he just gets all embarrassed when we call him Godly and good, and our dear PhooFrog hero! And he IS all those things. Good on you Phooey for taking up the good fight! I just know God loves you so much--He really does.

    Phoo--can't you take over-the-counter Vitamin B's? I do and they work great even though I don't have some of the stomach parts you need to absorb them...

    I'm jealous about your Andrew T-shirt, Surfie. It's a little pricey for us, so you'll have to be the standard bearer here for us!

    I'm glad you got to write to your friend, Gloria; I know how much our little communications here with everyone make my day. My sleep is all screwed up, so I slept in today, but I may be laying down soon. I wrote my doc about my muscle problems and asked him if I should take the blood and urine tests for rhabdomyelosis; this weakness isn't getting any better and I can't think of anything else it could be. My pulmonary tests are Tues. morning--pray for me?

  8. Dear one, prayers for you of course. Your tests are Tues?

    Frog, Camille is my granddaughter and I jokingly call her my BFF. DH is always saying "your BFF called while you were gone."

    Daughter and SIL have 8 kids - 10 in one house. Lately they have been dealing with flu and now one of the girls was diagnosed with influenza A. Now that is going from one to another. Am really concerned about my SIL since this is tax season and he really needs to keep working. Am praying that he does not get it.
