Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Good Morning, Pond Friends--have a lovely day ;-)

Aren't they cute???!!!


  1. They are too adorable! Owls?

    I had a great day yesterday. My brother came to my office and took me to lunch. He and I have always been very close. It was fun to show him off. All the girls in the office were swooning when I got back ... your brother is so handsome! True, he is. He is also one of the finest human beings I have ever known.

    Today probably won't be as wonderful. O'Bummer is coming to OKC today, landing just before rush hour, staying at the Skirvin Hotel downtown. I work downtown, so driving home will probably be a challenge.

    No word whether he'll go to the Thunder basketball game (the arena is also downtown).

    Anyway, it's still raining here. We need the rain, but I'm getting tired of driving in it!

    Have a good day everybody!

  2. Those owls are so cute. A few years ago there where owls nesting in a pine tree near my daughters house. You could hear them loud at night. Every year the parents raise a couple of babies. The interesting thing is that the young juveniles from the year before are there too. They are half as big as the mom and dad.

  3. Surfie, sounds like your brother made your day! It's good to stay close to family.

    Gloria, aren't these the cutest baby owls! Didn't know they came so little. I'm on my way to check the eagle cam in Decorah Iowa. The eagles have three eggs. The should start hatching next weekend. I'm going to see if I can find an owl cam somewhere on the Internet.

    Back in a little while. Saw Froggy in the night so she is probably sleeping in this morning.

  4. Just got back from my last dentist appointment. Yay!!!!! My jaw aches like crazy, though, and I have my usual headache from L.A. traffic. I just wanted to check in and see how everyone is. I'm going to take a nap and be back later.

  5. Hope Froggy & Wog & everyone else is doing well today.

    Thunderstorms started up just as I started driving home. Thunder, lightning, high wind. The news is calling for these storms, along with hail and possibly small tornados from now through tomorrow morning.

    Glad I'm snuggled down in my cozy little apartment. Going to make a chicken stir-fry for dinner, and have leftovers for lunch tomorrow.

    Take care everyone.

  6. Where did the day go? Jumped in the Pond. Talked with Froggy. Read some news. Had lunch with Froggy. Froggy took a nap. 'Wog took a nap. 7pm and it's still light outside. I am so lost. Is it summer yet? Need to crawl back in bed and start this day over!

  7. Is anyone still up? I just thought I'd check in before I hit the sack too. :) Only a couple more weeks of overtime, and my life will be back to normal. Please don't think I'm complaining about work; I'm very thankful to be employed. Unemployment has hit 10% in our area, before that we were one of the few areas still doing well.

    Wog, it's been so rainy over here, it makes me nostalgic for Seattle! (haha!)

    Froggy, how are you feeling?

    Surfie, stay safe! We have high winds over here sometimes, but the worst that happens is a fence blowing down.

    Tonight I indulged in my guilty pleasure, and watched American Idol. It helps take my mind off the state of our country. I also get a kick out of the old rocker, Steven Tyler. He is a character. :)

    Gloria, I received an email with an "owl and the pussycat" video. I'll try and post the link here, once I find it.

    It's bedtime, so I will say goodnight ladies and gentleman!

    Love you pond friends! :)
