Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Good Morning, Friends!


  1. Is anyone else having trouble? What are all these scandals about? I know General Petraeus was involved with a woman--was it 2 women? And that he was supposed to testify and now probably won't. What does all this have to do with Benhazi apart from his testimony? I mean, why would the affair preclude him from testifying about Ambass. Stevens etc.? And what's this now about other generals and 'black ops'? Geez!

  2. Phooey, how are you feeling? When's deer Paget due home? How's Bambu? Badness here (Wolfie) woke me up at 3 a.m.; he was lonely!

  3. Good morning Ponders. Dreary old Washington weather today. Got pics of the grands playing in the snow yesterday. So cute. What snow they had is gone today.

    Phooey, I hope you are feeling better. Froggy, how are you? Read last nights posts. Paget is home from Hawaii.

    1. Hi Gloria! I'm okay; Wolfie just woke me up at 4 a.m. and I stayed up to get 'Woggy off to school. I need to go read Paget's post...

      How are you doing? Did you get some rest?

    2. For some reason I have been waking up in the middke of the night lately. Last night it was 3AM. I think I need to get some Sleepytime Extra tea for nights like that.

  4. Paget wrote a beautiful post at the end of yesterday's post. I'm at school doing catch-up work before Thanksgiving. Only half a day this week, and I get to go home.

  5. Has anyone noticed that there are now 47 states that have secession petitions going. Not our state. I think it is time for our state to split into two states. W. Washington and E. Washington. I don't understand how there can be so much disparity in one state. Oh well, I am going back inside my bubble. Closing the door now. Where is my hat?

    1. Need to clarify something. I am not supporting secession petitions I just think it is remarkable that there are that many.

  6. Hi deer Ponders!

    The election, this business about Benghazi and Petraeus and that whole cast of characters, the hem and haw of so-called conservative elites that we need to moderate ... it is all testing my will and my faith. But, by the Grace of God, I will not give up.

    Petraus, the General from today's news, the Major who had the affair with Petraus ... NONE of them ever fought in combat. They are in it for a career, for their own personal gain. Petraus was no military genius in Iraq. The surge he lead was a failure. The General from today has been no military genius in Afghanistan. I believe he is the one who wrote the rules of engangement that basically emasculated our true soldiers who bleed and die under those preposterous rules, and under his command we are now in a strategic withdrawal ... which is leading to the deaths of our young men and women by the hands of the Afghani military we are supposed to be training and an emboldened Taliban.

    For over 50 years, people who hate what the United States of America stands for have been successfully destroying us from within. Think about public school teachers, university professors, mainstream news, career military, politicians who were raised and came of age under the doctrine to destroy us from within. I yanked my son out of public school around 1997 because the outrageous bile and lies by omission about our history in public schools just could not stand with me.

    All this time, we have let it happen. Inch by inch. Paper cut by paper cut.

    Some have asked me what the difference from going Galt or going Breitbart means. I offer my opinion:

    GOING GALT: Essentially, fly below the government radar. Live a cash and carry life. Disengage, let the chips fall where they may. Not so easy on a personal level for most of us. In the world of big money, George Lucas sold his rights to Star Wars and Pixar before the Obama hammer hits us all. Saved himself a ton of money in taxes that he would have had to pay in 2013. Guess he went a bit Galt.

    GOING BREITBART: Live in the government radar. Seriously support the founding of our country in any way you can. Work, pay taxes. If there is some area you know something about and can do something about ... do it! Expose corruption from the dog catcher to President. Expose how the leaders of NAACP, LaRaza, SEIU, and so many others are exploiting people for their personal gain. Not one Ponder can do all of this. But we can each focus on one thing that we think we might be able to do something about.

    Indoctrinated people will NOT take my country from me. I'm going to shut up for now.

    1. Surf, Going Breitbart is essentially what Bill Whittle has been talking about for the last week. Don't tell yourself to shut up. You tell so well what I cannot put into words. There is a huge upheaval going on out there. Today I was coming home from the library and felt so isolated and alone like I don't know where I belong. There is so much going on that it seems surreal.

    2. Thanks Surfie, for that explanation. I really didn't understand what Galt/Breitbart meant. Froggy keeps me up on the news, and explains anything that I ask. The American people need to see what's going on before it's too late. Our little Family will have to do as much as we can right here at the Pond. Every little pond on the Internet can be a really big ocean!

  7. One more thing: I will not sign a secession petition on the White House website. Not because I'm afraid of the White House having my name and using it against me (they will).

    I live in the United States of America and want our country back. As they say here in red-state flyover country: "We'll put a boot in your a$$." Also said: "Live free or die."

    We have a lot of work to do.

  8. I didn't know so many states had the power to secede. I've known about Texas for a long time. I can't imagine any of our states as a separate country.

  9. San Diego Zoo named their baby panda today. I can't pronounce the name. They had a special naming-ceremony complete with chinese "lion" dancing. You can watch the dancing and the naming on Ustream. Love the baby pandas. This is the zoos sixth baby born at San Diego.
