Sunday, November 11, 2012

Good Morning; this is for Phoo!

God Bless Our Vets!


  1. This lovely, meaningful sculpture is at the Viet Nam Veteran's Memorial Wall in D.C. I put it up especially for our Phooster!

  2. Veterans: All gave some, Some gave all. Thank you Froggy!

  3. I pray that this will not become like the Vietnam era in which vets were treated disgracefully. Because of the sacrifice of those who have gone before us we continue to live in freedom today.

  4. Thank you for your service, Phooey. I hope today and every day is wonderful!

    I think winter arrived in OK. A cold front rolled in last night. We had thunderstorms. Now it's just cold and rainy. I can't believe Thanksgiving is almost here!

    Had a wonderful time at my niece's wedding reception last night. She and her twin brother are my late big sister's children. Susie passed away just before their 15th birthday. That was 11 years ago. At one point last night, I was sitting with my little sister and brother, so happy that both of the twins got through Susie's death, are both now so happy and living wonderful lives. Sure hope God let Susie take a peek last night to see how well her children are doing and how happy they are.

    Anyway, I was appointed to bring dessert to our family Thanksgiving meal. Pumpkin pie, pecan pie and an apple/pear crisp.! Yum! My apartment is going to smell wonderful!

    Love to all my deer Ponders. Hopw everyone has a wonderful Sunday!

  5. For our Phooey, and for all those who have military men and women in their family: God Bless our Veterans today and always.
