Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy Wednesday, Frogs!


  1. Will be dog sitting for the next two days. Will miss you.

  2. I was just wondering where everybody is.

    We'll miss you, Phooey. Hope you are feeling better. Agent Orange! Oh my, I'm from the Viet Nam era and have friends suffering from Agent Orange. Take care, deer friend.

    Froggy and Wog, are you two busy packing?

    Paget, how is your back today?

    Hope we hear from Eva soon.

    I'm not looking forward to Friday night when my boy and his puppy Zoe fly back home. Zoe loves her new Grammy! The boy and I are going out for Mexican food, paying my friend Karen and her family a visit, and going to a movie.

    Love you all!

  3. Phooey..We miss you too. Enjoy your dog-sitting.

    Surfie..It's just really slow at The Pond around the holidays. Yep, Froggy and I are packing. We did a lot yesterday, resting some today. Zoe sounds like wonderful puppy. Enjoy lunch. Mexican is my favorite. We got the best Mexican dinners in Denver. I'll need to try cooking some meals if I want a decent Mexican meal.

  4. Hello friends,

    Surfie, that is so sweet that Mike brought his dog on his visit! :) It sounds like you're having a great time. We had Mexican food tonight too; only we made it at home. Chicken fajitas. Yum. :)

    Also, I went to the chiropractor today, and he said my sacroiliac joint was out of place. He told me walking was the best thing, but I sit in front of a computer all day at work. It's painful to sit too long, but I plan to be back at work tomorrow. I'll just have to get up and walk more.

    Phooey, what kind of pups are you watching? Since I was home today, I got to spend some quality time with our mini-schnauzer, Kaiser. Unfortunately, he has an annoying habit of barking at the top of his lungs whenever he sees anyone outside. I was resting in my recliner, and he went beserko, barking at the mailman! Boy, did I jump! Besides that, he's a sweet little guy. He's our grandpuppy. We didn't get him until he was 4, and before that our son didn't spend much time training him. We try, but Kaiser is a stubburn little fellow! We bought a citronella collar that we put on him when he won't stop barking. It sprays on him, and he's supposed to stop barking at that point. It doesn't seem to bother him, however, the smell makes me sick! ;)

    I will sign off, as I can't sit much longer. ;)

    Goodnight, deer pond friends. :)
