Friday, May 24, 2013

Friday. My, what a busy week!

~Time to smile and to dream~


  1. Good Morning Ponders,
    We don't need another week like this one. It's Memorial Day weekend. Let's take time out and start up the barbeques. What plans does everyone have?

    I am going for another job interview today. It is part-time accounting at a place that makes kilts. It is a good business. They charge $200-$300 per kilt.

    1. Wog, I am hoping for a successful interview. Would love for you to be hired by a good company like the one Surfie works for. Let us know how it goes.

    2. Keeping my prayers going for you. May God lead you to the perfect job and lead the perfect company to. Just like He did for me.


    Nearly 300 police stand in for fallen officer at daughter's kindergarten graduation

    "Tatum Raetz graduated from kindergarten this week, just three days after her police officer father was killed while investigating a drunk driving case.

    But the 5-year-old girl definitely felt her father’s presence at her ceremony, thanks to nearly 300 uniformed officers standing in his place at her Phoenix elementary school.

    The officers lined the school’s sidewalk on Wednesday morning to greet Tatum and her mother as they arrived for the graduation.

    “When they stepped out of the car, they saw a sea of blue out there. The officers were clapping, calling out her name, congratulating her,” said Phoenix police department spokesman James Holmes, who attended the ceremony. “The look on her face was absolutely priceless.”

    Tatum was given a bouquet of flowers before she walked down the line of officers, at times shyly hiding behind her mother. The girl’s elation was obvious, as were the officers enjoying the bittersweet moment."


  3. Okay, so now I'm crying first thing in the morning. What a bittersweet story, 'Wog. Something that little girl will remember the rest of her life.

    I guess Obama is showing up in OKC this weekend. He's going to New Jersey on Tuesday. Why? Congress is out of session for the holiday so I guess he figures it's a good time to show himself.

    I'm hoping this Memorial Day weekend is safe for everyone!

    1. Hi Eva--how are the boys? We need a good cat story ;-)

    2. I hadn't heard Obama (spit) was coming here this weekend. He's going to Jersey because they're having ribbon cutting ceremonies for certain areas that are rebounding/reopening.

      Big Sis Janet Napolitano was here a couple of days ago. Nobody cared. Can't figure out why Homeland Security was here, unless this was a terrorist tornado. Snert.

  4. OMG! That painting is of where I lived. Paradise Cove in Malibu. Froggy, I'll email you a photograph of that exact scene if I can find your email address.

    Between those two points that jut out is a trail that leads up to the Paradise Cove Mobile Home Park, where we lived.

    Hubs and I got to know each other in a very personal way right there. We lived our life together and raised our son together right there. About 50 people on surfboards and in kayaks escorted his ashes out for burial at sea right there.

    Eva, have you ever eaten at the restaurant at Paradise Cove. You might not recognize this unless you took a walk up the beach at low tide or unless you were on top of the bluff in the mobile home park.

    Sheesh! What a treat! See, I am SUPPOSED to be a Ponder! Froggy, you just made my day.

    1. PS to Froggy. I'm on a pretty new laptop. The one with my contacts crashed and I'm having trouble retrieving anything. Email me:

    2. I got so excited about seeing this picture that I told you wrong! The trail that leads to our house is in front of the 1st point that juts out.

      Between those 2 points is a little beach we locals call "The Hut" Nice little surf spot. Hence my name Surfhut. I rode my first wave all the way into the beach right there, at the age of about 42.

      Happy memories today. My heart is singing. Thank you for this picture!

    3. Surfie, you truly lived in paradise.

  5. Surfie, that's so amazing! And what wonderful memories. You are surely destined to be a Ponder.

    'Wog, how did the interview go? Froggy, don't have any cat stories at the moment, but this weekend I'm going to start looking at what I'm going to pack for our move, what I'm going to donate, and what I'm going to throw out. This activity should interest the furballs quite a bit since it'll involves piles. I'll let you know.

  6. Deer Surfie,
    I help Froggy with the morning pictures when she doesn't feel good or if I get up early. I get up early a lot (4am -5am) because Wolfie wants a morning meal. I don't know how to change the name as the poster, so it always says Froggy.

    I picked out this morning's picture of the beach and flowers. I thought it was so pretty, and we needed something beautiful to look at after all the bad news this week.

    I had no idea that this was someplace special. Your description of the area was lovely and touching. I love the California beaches. Surfing was not something I would ever try, but I love the ocean. Froggy went out a little way in an inner tube and would ride the waves back to shore.

    It was fun to watch the surfers by the piers, and the canoes off La Jolla. And the glorious sunsets!

    We bought a trailer to live in at De Anza Cove trailer park in San Diego before we left for Seattle. It is right off HWY 5 on way to Pacific Beach. This is where I lived in the 60s. De Anza Cove is on the same Mission Bay that has Sea World. Even today I have a postcard aerial view of Mission Bay, Fiesta Island and De Anza by my computer.

    Eva, maybe you know where this is too. Anyone who drives down HWY 5 into San Diego goes right by De Anza.

    The trailer park was built on land that belonged to the city, and had a 50-year lease. The lease was almost up when we moved there in 1997. We stayed three years, and left for Seattle. I did not want to move inland away from the beach. It is too hot. I guess we got our wish! It is not too hot in Seattle.
