Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sunday. Be safe. Be happy.


~Peaceful day at our Pond~


  1. Good morning deeries! Today's picture is lovely. I'd like to take a stroll along that path.

    I didn't win the powerball, but did win $12. I buy one ticket a week, using the same numbers, a combination of hub's, mine and the boy's birthdays.

    Hubs would have turned 65 yesterday. It's been 5-1/2 years. I thought about him a lot, "talked" with him, smiled and chuckled. For the first time, I didn't have a grief attack.

    We had big thunderstorms last night. More late this afternoon and Monday afternoon. Love thunderstorms (so long as tornados are not involved).

    Planted a bunch of things last weekend. The lettuce and zinnia seeds have sprouted, and the freesia bulbs are poking up through the soil. Little things like that make me so happy!

    I've been thinking about doing a history/food blog for a long time. When homeschooling the boy, I tied food into what I was teaching. After "school" I had him help me in the kitchen, making a meal relevant to the lesson. Which started a conversation, asking questions, making the lesson real to him. Boy, did he learn!

    It was pretty easy to figure out a lot of food whether he was learning ancient history, American history, science, art, music.

    Froggy, setting up a blog is a lot of work! I had no idea until now.

    Have a wonderful Sunday, deeries.

    1. How far have you gotten with setting up your blog? Both topics would be of intrest to me. Any time frame for the launch?

    2. I actually started a blog way back, and it seemed easy at the time. Then life overwhelmed me. Found my old blog. Recovering it and getting it set up for today is not easy.

      I'll spend at least 2 weekends getting it back together.

      Here's a little tease: John Adams, our 2nd president, was totally ignored after taking the Oath of Office. Big party was held for outgoing President George Washington. John Adams took the Oath, then walked to the boarding house where he lived and ate a meal ... alone. Why was he so ignored? What did he eat?

      The letters between John Adams and his wife Abigail reveal so much about our country's founding. Abigail was FIERCE before it was cool for women to be fierce.

      There's a little taste about where I'm going. Don't know if anybody besides my friends and deer Ponders care. All I know is that I want to write about these things.

    3. Hi Surfie, I read this earlier today before we had company all afternoon. Then came back just now and saw what a harrowing day it must have been for you and your neighbors! So much for a peaceful Sunday! Just glad you are okay! I also wanted to say that I'm looking forward to your new blog. :) It will be fun to have two blogs to read every day!

  2. Surfie, are you using Blogger or some other host? Congrats on your grief work--you've made some real progress and I'm very proud of you. Your hubs would be, too. It's not easy, not at all. It was my Dad's birthday yesterday, too. He passed about 10 years ago.

    I'm excited about your blog--we can go hop up over there!

  3. Wow, Surfie, that tidbit about John Adams was really interesting! I had no idea. Oath of office, walked home, ate alone. My how things have changed. I'll definitely be interested to find out more once your blog is up and running.

    Congrats on having no grief attack yesterday. That's a big plus whenever you can do it. I know also you're smart enough to not think that you'll never have another one, but when you can mark an anniversary (birthday, wedding, birth) without the pain, it's an achievement. Good for you!!

  4. Its 3:53 here. Tornado sirens are blaring. I just walked outside (with a lot of neighbors) to look at the sky. Its beautiful/scary. We still have power and will stick together if something bad happens. TV is showing a tornado a few miles NW of us that hasn't touched ground yet. I'm ready, but please say a little prayer for Surfie and neighbors.

    1. I see rotation in the clouds, just east of me. TV is saying that, for the next hour, anything can happen. They are telling everyone to take cover. I'm prepared to get into the bathroom with my laptop, shoes, flashlight, radio, and air mattress! I think the worst will be East and North of OKC.

    2. Oh Lord our God, hear the prayers of your people. Please keep our friend safe and all those around her. Amen.

    3. Sirens going off again. Tornados on the ground all around OKC. Classic tornado weather. One minute, its clear and calm and hot. The next minute, a cool wind blows in with thunder, lightning, rain, hail. Another storm is in the SW part of the state, headed my way. I'll be OK, but its gonna be a long night. The air is thick as soup.

    4. Safe and sound here in OKC. Storms are marching on. Please keep those in the storm's path in your prayers. Thank you!

    5. Surfie, so glad you are safe! Will keep you and your community in my prayers. Wow, what a scary day!

  5. Prayers sent deer Surfie.
    My computer is acting up will be running security checks. Goodnight and love to all.

  6. My computer glitched, too. Prayers for our deer Surfie!
