Saturday, July 13, 2013

Saturday. Happier day than Friday!

~The Maroon Bells~
Colorado Mountains



  1. Good Morning Ponders,
    Sis, this picture is for you!

    This is a picture of Colorado's Maroon Bells about eight miles outside of Aspen. This is one of Froggy's favorite places. These are 14,000 feet twin peaks.

    A very beautiful spot to look at but dangerous to climb. Composed of very loose, unstable "mudstone" which easily fractures.

    Colorado has over 50 mountains that are "Fourteeners" - over 14,000 feet. Some climbers try to reach the summit on all of them.


    World War II Ohio airman takes 'Sentimental Journey' on B-17

    An Ohio World War II airman who was shot down and captured while flying aboard a B-17 over Europe made another trip on an identical vintage bomber Thursday.

    Joseph Dreher, 88, flew 29 missions over Europe on a B-17 as a radio operator and waist gunner with the U.S. 8th Army Air Forces, The Cleveland Plain Dealer reported.

    Dreher was taken prisoner after parachuting from his flak-damaged aircraft on his 29th and final mission -- an experience that did not deter him from returning to the skies once more.

    The B-17 he flew aboard Thursday was the "Sentimental Journey," a bomber maintained by the Commemorative Air Force Arizona Wing Museum in Mesa, the newspaper reported.

    "No doubts at all. It's a very dependable airplane. Besides, if you had to go, that'd be the way to go," Dreher joked.

    The bomber was built in late 1944 and was accepted by the U.S. Army Air Force the following year. The aircraft was flown in the Pacific theater for the duration of World War II, according to the museum's website"

    Read more:

  3. What a great pic of our Colorado mountains, Sis! You're making me homesick! What's everybody up to today? It's bright and sunshiny outside. I wish I had something interesting to do...

    1. The most interesting thing I have done today is watch Scott mow the lawn. Yawn.

    2. Hi Gloria,
      We are doing much better than you. Played board games. Now watching old movies on TV. That's it!

    3. Gloria...
      Gosh! I meant to say that "we are NOT doing much better than you."

  4. Here is a thought. If Susan Rice could avoid testifying to Congress by being appointed to the UN could Big Sis likewise avoid testifying about what she knows about HS? Is another shoe about to fall? She has been appointed to head of education or some such in Cali at 3x the salary. I smell a rat.

    What do you think?

    1. I think that's a great question! This new appointment just came out of the blue, it seems. I didn't hear any hint of her wanting to leave the way I've heard about others. And what are her education qualifications? Very, very strange.

  5. Wow! Zimmerman not guilty, so far no violence, and Geraldo (of all people) making sense about how this case never should have been brought. It's all political. We can thank Obama for that.

    1. Yeah, we've been following the Zimmerman news and reading reports. So far, no violence. Froggy asked me to stay home tomorrow, just in case there are disturbances downtown.
