Saturday, October 22, 2011

The content of his character...

Obama: Is he the Most Racist President We Ever had or is it Just his Attitude?
Dr. Phil Taverna

Obama by all accounts doesn’t get it. And I predicted he would never run for a second term. But deep down he thought or has been raised to believe that America owes him a second term. He deserves a second term.  America owes him a second term!

Obama has always tried hard not to look like a racist but sometimes it’s a knee jerk reaction if you have been brought up as a racist.


It’s the liberal attitude. Let’s see should I pick up a book to read and study or should I goof off? Just think the SAT average is 400. So for everyone that is in the 600’s there are some in the 200’s. Don’t you wonder how much you need to spend to get that SAT score from 200 to 600? Obama wants to spend more of your money just for that dream!

So why do the liberals and the commies like Obama want to spend more of your money on public education? Because they deserve it! It is their right.

It gets better. Obama had to give a campaign speech at the UN. By all accounts the speech was useless. But there was a group picture. I think we have all been in group and class pictures. Did you ever raise your hand and wave while the picture was being taken? If you had a narcissistic attitude like Obama you would! But is it narcissism or is it racism?

A website in the UK showed a few pictures. One picture has all the guests smiling with Obama raising his hand directly in front of the President of Mongolia. Wouldn’t you like to know what he was saying when he saw the back of Obama’s hand? My guess is: “Wow look at all those calluses, I guess he does play a lot of golf. Maybe I can become a politician in the United States so I can get paid to play FREE golf.”

Keep in mind all the people in the picture were smiling. Even the president of Mongolia was smiling. So this UK website tried to spin it like they took another picture and all was forgiven. There was a major problem in the second picture. The only jerk smiling was our racist president. Maybe all was not as well as admitted.

And think about his attitude. They include: Bowing to the princes, Lady Michele touching the Queen. You mean they didn’t know the rules. They knew the rules they just thought they had the right as racists and liberals to break the rules.

The first Black president has surfaced again. Now he states in his unsolicited opinion that Obama should have done nothing. He should not raise taxes and he should not cut spending. Now I think that is sound advice. The only problem is that Clinton should have given that advice before Obama was hot to pass Obamacare. Remember Obamacare increases spending and increases taxes.

As a black community organizer Obama had the right and the attitude to pass such a bill that would help to destroy the American economy. How many black folks did Obama help by passing Obamacare? Probably none! But let’s take the numbers and work with it. The baloney you were to believe was that there were 30 million people who could not afford healthcare. Obamacare was going to fix that. So far, it appears no one has really been helped by Obamacare except the insurance companies. What a surprise! They now have a license to charge higher rates to more people.

So if it was to help 30 million folks and we know that the Black population makes up about 13% of the population. We can safely assume that Obama ruined the American economy to help 3.9 million black people. Considering that there are over 300 million people in the country, it was the wrong decision. But you see Obama and his liberal congress thought and assumed at the time that they had a right to pass Obamacare. So they destroyed the American economy of 300 million people to help maybe 3.9 million black folks. And buy their votes.

If this was a democracy and not a crooked republic this would be unfair. But since it is a right of the Black President it is all good. I just wish he would stop blaming President Bush and Clinton. It was Obama’s attitude and his overwhelming belief in his Black Right and not capitalism that destroyed the Obama economy. I just hope he stays in the race until 2012!
And just look at this language. “I told Congress… I am sending you a jobs bill, to pass the bill.

This doesn’t apply to all blacks. At least for now, folks like Hermann Cain don’t speak of this black right. But 88% of the Black vote went for Obama in 2008. And by all accounts they received nothing for their vote, except that they saw the first Black president elected in the United States in their lifetime.

Everything Obama says seems to be tainted by this inherited right. I think Martin Luther King Jr. would be shocked if he saw the world today. And if MLK could see the attitude of Obama and Holder he would not believe it. King had a dream. That dream was that all men would be equal.

After 50 years and spending trillions of dollars are most of the blacks and minorities better off then they were in the ‘60s? Socialism has never worked and will never work. But liberals and racists have an inherent right to destroy your economy for socialism! MLK wanted all to be equal to prosper. He wanted to bring the treatment of blacks to be equal to the white folks. Instead we have seen the destruction of the prosperity in America. The poverty level is the same or worse for all Americans since the ‘60s. And the liberals have destroyed the economy.

But if you listen to the whacked out liberals like Colmes, they will tell you we didn’t spend enough of the taxpayer money and the money we don’t have. Wouldn’t it be great if we all could live in the imaginary world of Liberals! They seem to have a right to destroy our prosperous world! It is a right of color and the right of Communism!

1 comment:

  1. Pure Evil! Skin color is NOT a factor!... and, he is NOT alone.
