Tuesday, October 18, 2011

"An exciting moment."

A Beautiful Day

By Rupert Wingfield-Hayes

The first sight of Gilad Shalit's homecoming were three little black dots just above the horizon. Within minutes they had grown to three huge Sikorsky helicopters roaring in across the perimeter fence and hovering over the runway of the Tel Nof airbase.

Out of sight of the cameras Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu walked out to greet the young soldier.

"Welcome home, Gilad," the prime minister told him, before taking him to meet his parents. Speaking to the media a few minutes later, Mr Netanyahu said he had told Sgt Shalit's parents: "I have brought you your son home."




  1. He's so thin. He looks like a victim of the camps. I can't even imagine what he's been through, but he's home finally. The doctors say he's healthy. Knowing that 60% of released prisoners return to terrorism, the majority of Israelis supported this exchange. I won't second guess them, but no good can ever come from such a policy.

  2. I forgot to say what a lovely design you did for this post, Froggy. It's perfect.

  3. I have been watching this unfold. I hope he tells his story. He and his family have suffered. He does look thin.

    Gilad, you are worth 1,000 of them.

    Eva is right about how nice the Pond is looking

  4. I am weeping tears of joy for this young man and his family. I don't understand the exchange, but have utmost faith in the judgment of Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli people. So glad he's home.

  5. If we, being total strangers feel this way thinks how much joy his family and the Israeli people must be feeling.

    Surfie, Have you had any aches or pains after your car fender bender? I envy you getting to move. It's like getting to start over. The few times we have moved I felt like I was on an adventure. I was born and grew up in So Cal. We moved to Whidbey Island in 1978 then to Snohomish in 1983. Washington is so different from Calif.

  6. Isn't it wonderful? I had him on the sidebar of my blog I started about 5 years ago when he was first taken. I prayed and prayed, but..... it's been so long--I couldn't imagine they were giving him medical care or proper food (and barely enough of that, we see!) I did not think we'd see him again smiling.... He IS worth 1000 of them--and Jews value each and every life as much as a thousand lives. (I mean your value doen't go up just because you're part of a crowd, nor diminish because you are only one (if I am interpreting Jewish liturgy correctly).

    And thank you for the commpliments oabout the blog--I've been getting more of the hang of all the doodads Blogger has--I even have a site meter I installed yesterday; I have a lot more people than I thought!

    All I had to go by was comment numbers before--and folks are too busy or preoccupied to comment all the time now that every newspaper, ad, magazine, blog, newspaper etc. has a space to comment. But it is fun to design things and find Frogs and Pollywogs (and cats!)

    Oh, and be careful of the Bottom of the Swamp--don't fall in--and watch the quicksand--goodness knows how goopy it can get! Puffin, close by, is kind of our Guard Cat! He'll keep us safe--I love Puffin!(wink) I'm thinking about adding a Sergeant-at-Arms Cat... LOL! Or is that King Cat Puffin's Palace Guard? (snert)

  7. I don't want to take center stage from this young man, but I do not have any signs of whiplash (3 days now). I feel physically fine.

    There are people in my world who told me to find a doctor and file a whiplash suit. I don't do that kind of thing because I like to fall asleep with a clear conscience every night. I'm really fine.

    Once again, so glad this young man is back home. I stand with Israel.

  8. Gilad is the first Israeli soldier returned alive in 26 years. I agree with you, Froggy. I didn't think we'd see him again. His father even said he hadn't any real evidence of Gilad being alive since 2009.

    What a lot of people don't understand is that Israel has a policy of bringing every soldier home, alive or not. It's because the country has mandatory service. It's a promise the gov't makes to parents for their children's military sacrifice. Of course, it doesn't make the decision to release terrorists any easier. This time, Israel failed in being able to retrieve Gilad militarily.
