Monday, October 17, 2011

Good Morning, Pond People!

It's heeeere--YiPE!


  1. Good morning to all!

    Froggy, I hope you feel good today and hope Pollywog's back is better. You are both in my prayers every day.

    Questions about my son: He's going to Korea for a year to teach English (and meet his future in-laws). We will see each other on Christmas and college graduation, then probably won't see each other again until next Christmas.

    It is odd that my little baby boy is a man and that our lives are entering new chapters. Talk about cutting the apron strings!

  2. Morning all! I'm a little sluggish this morning. Must be all that plumbing stuff from yesterday. (Right, Froggy?)

    Back later.

  3. Surfie, you sound so happy--that's nice!

    Yeah, Eva, a gritty backed-up tub, a sink full of dishes we can't wash, and a vanity I can't wash my face at without getting my elbows wet has always been a tremendous day brightener for me! (Pollywog walked in and said 'GOOD MORNING, VIET NAAAAAAAM! You know, from that movie? LOL!)

  4. I love that Pollywog has that sense of humor! I mean, no matter how tough things get, she pops up with something hysterical. How can you not laugh and then, feel better? I know you know how lucky you are to have her!

  5. I just spewed water all over myself with what Pollywog said. Cracked me up!

  6. Well Heck Darn! You guys have me so curious. What did I say?

    I think the sense of humor runs in the family. I'm more of a one-liner like Henny Youngman. Froggy is a prolific writer.. and always has a little "kick" in the last paragraph. It's amazing how she does that.

  7. You walked in saying, GOOD MORNING, VIETNAAAAAM.
    Froggy & I were talking about leaky pipes and standing water. I got an image of Froggy up to her elbows in water and you cracking wise with the good morning comment, like she was in a rice paddy.
