Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sunday. Same day, New time.


Fresh-picked kittens just for you!


  1. Don't tell me that you are still in bed! That you are sleeping in! That you didn't feed the cat! Phooey did you walk your dogs?

  2. I've been up since 6, the new 5. Seriously, can it just be the same time all the time? Benjamin Franklin actually dreamed up daylight savings time ... to save on the use of candle wax. The political class has been tweaking society since forever. sigh

    Love the picture. That precious baby in the middle looks like Yoda!

    1. Surfie, Thank you Ben Franklin for screwing up everyone's life. Ben must not have had a cat to feed in the morning. Can't Congress do something important like vote on leaving the clocks alone?

    2. If you think that daylight savings time messes with you you should try working rotating shifts. 7 days graveyard, 2 days off, 7 days swing shift, 2 days off, 7 days day shift, 3 days off. I did that for many years. Some where along the way an expert in circadian rhythm decided we were rotating the wrong way and the company changed the rotation. Took a majority vote to change it back. HA! I am so glad I am retired.

  3. Oh....babys! How sweet.
    According to the clock I got an extra hour of sleep this morning. I want it to stay this time all the time. As far as winter goes it is dark and dreary and I can get through it.

  4. Good Morning Gloria, what's up for today? I haven't checked the news today. Guess the news just happens whether or not I look at it.

    I have been watching the Iditarod dog sled race this week. What a crazy thing to do. Anchorage to Nome. I would love to be in Nome when the teams come in.

  5. Gloria, I bought some bulbs to plant for spring. Came within an inch of buying hollyhocks!

    Wog, about the news happening whether you look at it or not. My late big sister used to quote John Lennon. Life is what happens when you're making other plans.

    I just roll with every day as it comes. Sometimes I just shut down, take a bubble bath, and eat bacon!

    1. Surfie, there is a sweet old poem about grandmothers garden that says hollyhocks are the sentinels of the garden wall. Love hollyhocks. I need to replace mine.

    2. I can't tell you the number of times I use that quote from John Lennon. It's so true!

      The other one I use is from Brian Wilson of The Beach Boys: "I'm just a cork on the ocean, floating over the raging sea". Whenever I get too crazed about not being able to control things in my life, I repeat that line over and over. It helps me regain my perspective.

    3. Surfie, I'm with you on the bubble bath and bacon! I can never turn down a piece of bacon.

    4. Gloria, I love your Hollyhock name. It took me a while to figure out you two were the same person. You have hollyhocks in your garden? Very pretty plant.

      Surfie, Gloria, Eva... Love your quotes on life...and of course, Surfie's bacon.

      I'm going to put up a couple words of wisdom from Charlie Brown (Charles Shultz)

  6. Good afternoon everyone!

    Wog, I actually fed the cat and dog later than usual this morning. The time change confused them. :)

    I really miss the hour we lost last night! I guess I'll blame it on old Ben Franklin. :)

    Gloria, we're supposed to have weather in the high 60's next week. It makes me want to plant a garden. I want a veggie garden that is easy to care for this year. (I say that every year...)

    Surfie, that John Lennon quote is also a favorite of mine. :) The saying that applies most to me is: If it weren't for the last minute, nothing would get done!

    The quotes that have helped me the most throughout my life are the quotes from the new testament of the Bible.

    When I was a shy teenager at age 13, we moved across the state. Starting out in 8th grade at a new school, was very painful for me. All the cliques were already formed, and I dreaded every day. My mom gave me her old Norman Vincent Peale book on positive thinking. It was full of positive Bible verses. So I memorized the Bible verses, and started reading my Bible every day. I tried to turn everything over to God, and it helped so much! I made friends, and life became easier. The Bible is timeless, and those positive verses still apply today.

    Sorry to carry on; I just wanted to share. :)

    Have a nice Sunday, everyone!


    “Learn from yesterday, live for today, look to tomorrow, rest this afternoon.”
    ― Charles M. Schulz, Charlie Brown's Little Book of Wisdom

    “All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt.”
    ― Charles M. Schulz

    “Stop worrying about the world ending today. It's already tomorrow in Australia.”
    ― Charles M. Schulz

    1. Great quotes, Wog! Right now I'm going to apply the first one, and sit down and read my book. :)

  8. Paget, thanks for sharing your personal vignette. Wonderful story for a Sunday, wonderful story for any day. I was the shy one in the family. I don't think Froggy was ever shy.

    Weather sounds perfect for a garden next week. There are a few plants growing in our patio area, but we are too new to know how it works. Guess we'll need to stake out a space for next year.
    Paget, what are you going to plant?

    Is anyone watching the Iditarod in Alaska? What a crazy thing to do. I'll not be racing dogs across the frozen tundra!

    1. Hi Wog, we usually plant tomatoes, zucchini, sweet red peppers, green beans peas, and onions. I'm ready to try something new. :)

      If there is still time for you to stake out a spot, you might try planting something in one of those barrel pots. Cherry tomatoes do well in that environment.

      Where is Froggie today?

    2. Paget, great idea on the cherry tomatoes. I'll ask in the office to see how they work the gardening area. I used to plant corn in Denver. Speaking of corn...I really like white winter corn, but haven't seen any this winter. They must be grinding it up for fuel and to feed cows. But I wouldn't mind a couple ears before they do that.

      Froggy just doesn't feel good. I made macaroni and cheese (from Pike's Market downtown) and can of Blue Lake green beans, we took a walk, and right now the house is real quiet. Froggy is napping. Wolfie is napping. And I'm playing mah jong on the computer.

  9. Paget, glad you liked the quotes. What kind of books do you like? I like scary stuff like Stephen King. I saw that he had a new paperback...for ten dollars. I'll pass. I can wait for a used copy or get one at the library.
