Tuesday, February 14, 2012

GOOD MORNING! Where's our Gloria??? We miss her!!!

Happy 'V' Day (Victory-in-Mouse)!


  1. Hi, Pond People! Anybody hear from dear Gloria? Anybody see her at the Klatch, maybe? I'm worried...

    Today, I have to call back the little girl who could hardly speak English to see if Virginia Mason will accept my Medicaid, call up DHSH to see about whether my benefits cover it and we can get food stamps (sigh...), and call up VM Patient accounts to see if my lung tests will cost anything. Then I have to call the pharmacy to see if a prescription is ready, call Pulmonary if they okay the tests to see what kind of referral I'll need, and call the social worker at Group Health to tell her because she's my liason with my doctor about this. Then I need to write him for the referral and call for a phone appointment with him so I can tell him all this, and ask for a prescription on Thursday. If I'm really ambitious, I need to look at senior housing for 'Wog and start the application for disability this week after I talk to my doctor. If he won't okay it, I need to call our friend in the senior dept. of the Mayor's Office and ask her what I should do next. Fun, fun, fun stuff! LOL!

    Then, I have to feed... wait for it... The Apostrophe Wog!!! Tickle toes! Where's my Phoo?

  2. "Froggerel"

    She's an Apostrophe Wog.
    She isn't a dog...
    Her name isn't Mops
    because she has hops.

    She's my best Sis...
    On one side she lists.
    Because on one side,
    her apostrophe hides!

    Happy hopping to you...
    You've become a loved crew!
    What else can you do,
    but come and hop, too! ;-)

  3. I LOVE that, Froggy! I love you & 'Wog, too. Happy Valentine's Day to you both and to our only male on the site, Phooey. You'll be a busy boy today, Phoo, having to be the valentine of all us females, as well as your dear Page.

    Last night I watched the first night of the Westminster Dog Show. None of the doggies I liked were named Best in Group, but they were all wonderful. Maybe my choices will be better tonight.

    Froggy, you've got a list full of stuff to do today! Good luck! I'll be thinking about you and hoping you get through to the right people with as little problem as possible.

    'Wog, poor thing! I hate when I'm doing something I normally do and my back just freezes. I do the same thing a hundred times with no problem and then the 101st time, bingo! I'm crawling to the couch. Hang in there!

  4. Oh Froggy. You are the Best Sister in the world! Happy Valentines to you. I absolutely love your Froggerel Doggerel.

    Eva, we didn't watch Dog Show. But the Westminster Show is the best. It's a chance to see dogs that you never get to see. Yep, that's exactly how my back goes. I never know when it will seize up.

  5. YAY! I heard from Gloria--she says she's busy with some things and will be back when she can. Best wishes from us all and much love and ribbets .:-:.

  6. Froggy? Silence of the Frogs? The picture! The picture!
    Page and I are going out for dinner. Throughout the year, Page and I hug,kiss, hold hands, tease, laugh, and even cry together. Everyday we say to one another 'I Love You!' Today is only special to Hallmark.
    Okay, okay!!! I'll do it! Will you ladies be my Valentines? Struan, has more class than me. He would give you bacon covered gourmet chocolate indulgences and who knows what else.

  7. Page and I had a delightful evening tonight. Going to go hop in bed, hold her hand, and tell her 'I love you'! "That's all folks!"

  8. Phooey, you're so sweet! We sure love you, too. We can't do without our Phoo! Struan is a fine man but you shine just as brightly, Phoo; there's something really, really special about you--I really mean that. Give Ms. Page a smooch for me; I'm glad you have each other; God didn't intend we should be alone.

    Good night, folks!
