Thursday, February 16, 2012

MUST READ: We all know this is happening...

Obama Media Begin the Faking of Obama Poll Numbers

By Sher Zieve

In order to sway the vast majority and growing number of Americans who have finally faced up to the fact that Obama is purposefully trying to destroy the United States of America, the Obama Media have begun their side of the Obama syndicate’s overall strategy of lying to us.  Polls now show 50% of voters would vote for Obama.  Intelligent people—even those few on the Left—know this is a lie.  But, it’s what all third-world countries have done since their inception. 

This is what we said would happen, at least a year ago.  This is what is happening now.  The polls are being used to convince the more uninformed amongst us that there is no real hope of regaining our country and we’d better get used to submitting to the dictator already in office.  Obama does not intend to leave—under any circumstances—so we may as well accept our enslavement as the good sheeple Obama plans to herd off the cliff.  Obama has told us via his actions over and over again that he will decimate our country and we can do nothing about it. 



  1. I have thought for sometime that all of the polls that favor Obama are faked. Now they are talking about it. There is no way that there could be that many ignorant people in the US. The media says the same thing over and over until people believe it.

  2. I know this is true and it depresses the stuffing out of me. I try not to let it get to me, but the media is relentless. It's hard to escape.

  3. Rush has an article up about how they are trying to demoralize us with this stuff; it's one of their strategies.

    Thank you for reading and commenting on it--it makes me feel better!

  4. If I lied the way the media does I wouldn't like myself very much.

  5. The poll I saw yesterday showing him with a 50% approval rating was issued by CNN. That's all I had to see to know it was faked.
